Is it possible to retrieve a secret from Vault for a service check header?

I have a nomad-pack template definition. I added a health check and was no longer able to access the service that was being run by the job. I realized that the service requires “Basic Auth” credentials, which means that the path will always fail unless I pass an authorization header.

Is it possible to retrieve a secret from Vault for a service check header?

This is what I have that is not working.

job "prometheus" {
  datacenters = ["default"]
  region      = [[ .my.facility | quote ]]
  priority    = [[ .my.priority ]]

  group "main" {
    count = [[ .my.instances ]]

    service {
      name = "prometheus"
      check {
        name     = "health"
        type     = "http"
        path     = "/-/healthy"
        interval = "10s"
        timeout  = "2s"
        header {
          Authorization = ["Basic {{ with secret \"mount/path/to/secret\" | base64Encode }}{{ }}:{{ }}{{ end }}"]

    task "app" {