Hi all,
I am trying to use two (or more) providers in the same terraform tf file. I want to apply on both (or more) my changes. Is that possible to do it?
These are the providers :
provider "rancher2"{ //the first one
api_url = "https://first.rancher.cloud/v3" //api-endpoint
access_key = "tokxen-xxxxxx"
secret_key = "xxxqrzertwlm8f9pqsddffg8c84npl9kbgh9xbvwfh7klc7d5m9ktsk"
alias = "a"
provider "rancher2"{ //the second
api_url = "https://second.rancher.cloud/v3" //api-endpoint
access_key = "tokxen-xxxxx"
secret_key = "vs5qliuhgygydhthrthrjkjkaz53s5bssxj8fthfphc82vwnd4jwrn9"
alias = "b"
And here is my resource :
resource "rancher2_role_template" "bt" {
name = "bt"
context = "cluster"
default_role = true
description = "tf templating for CRD acceptance by API gps"
rules {
api_groups = ["common.k8s.elastic.co"]
resources = ["*"]
verbs = ["create","delete","get","list","patch","update","watch"]
The difficulty is to attack these two providers to refresh my resource at the same time.
It sounds like you want a single resource to be managed by two providers. That’s not possible. Each resource belongs to a single provider. If you want the same resource to be duplicated by two providers, you’ll have to define it twice in your configuration, and you can use a for_each
loop to apply the identical configuration to both providers.
we tried using the for_each loop to instantiate the resource refereing to different provider this way :
indent preformatted text by 4 spaces
provider "rancher2"{ //a
api_url = "https://aaaaaaaaaa/v3" //api-endpoint
access_key = "aaaaaaa"
secret_key = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
alias = "a"
provider "rancher2"{ //b
api_url = "https://bbbbb/v3" //api-endpoint
access_key = "bbbbbbbbbb"
secret_key = "bbbbbbbbbbb"
alias = "b"
resource "rancher2_role_template" "bu-crd-right" {
for_each = {
provider_a = "a"
provider_b = "b"
name = "bu-crd-right ${each.key}"
provider = rancher2.${each.value}
rules {
my guess is that it’s linked to this issue : https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform/issues/3656
this seems not possible yet. Can you confirm ?
It certainly looks like the same issue.