Is their a support to use Minio as the backend storage with Vault

Is their a support to use Minio as the backend storage with Vault as for one of our deployment flow we want to use Minio storage solution and have vault configured to this as the backend. As I see the vault documentation nothing is mentioned can anyone guide on how we can use this with vault and have vault working.

Hi sudarshntn,

The only backend storage that is supported directly by HashiCorp are Consul and Raft Integrated Storage. All other storage backends, including S3, are community supported.

I haven’t tried using Minio with Vault (though I’m a fan), but I did see this yesterday:

I am using Minio as an S3 backend in my local experimental cluster.

Config looks like this:

storage “s3” {
access_key = “YOURACCESSKEY”
secret_key = “YOURSECRETKEY”
endpoint = “http://minio.minio.svc.cluster.local:9000
bucket = “vault-storage”
s3_force_path_style = “true”

The blog post referenced by @ncabatoff is solid.