I am using the Consul for service mesh. My microservices are located in the Kubernetes, and my Consul servers are deployed on the VMs. I used the Consul Helm Chart to deploy the connect injector for injecting the Envoy sidecar proxy within every microservice pod inside every microservice container. I use mesh in non-transparent mode, and I specified the upstream service for every microservice. After the envoy proxies, are deployed I get the config dump of one of the envoy proxies, and it contains the certificate for each upstream service like this:
"transport_socket": {
"name": "tls",
"typed_config": {
"@type": "type.googleapis.com/envoy.extensions.transport_sockets.tls.v3.UpstreamTlsContext",
"common_tls_context": {
"tls_params": {
"tls_maximum_protocol_version": "TLSv1_3"
"tls_certificates": [
"certificate_chain": {
"inline_string": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nsome certificate\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"
"private_key": {
"inline_string": "[redacted]"
"validation_context": {
"trusted_ca": {
"inline_string": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nsome certificate\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"
"match_typed_subject_alt_names": [
"san_type": "URI",
"matcher": {
"exact": "spiffe://60fdcd0c-7a68-01c8-b080-772166a3a5fb.consul/ns/default/dc/us-central/svc/tax-collection-keymanager-svc"
"sni": "tax-collection-keymanager-svc.default.us-central.internal.60fdcd0c-7a68-01c8-b080-772166a3a5fb.consul"
Now I want to know: Is there a way to use my TLS certificates and private key, instead of the certificates and private keys that were issued by the Consul?