Isolated permission errors when using ArgoCD's Vault plugin

Hi all,

I’m working to setup ArgoCD to pull secrets out of Hashicorp Vault using ArgoCD’s Vault plugin. Although I am able to read the secrets using the vault CLI in the approle I’ve created I’m having issues requesting secrets back from the Vault using this plugin.

What I’ve done:

  1. I’ve created an approle (argocd) and assigned a policy to it (secret-ro) to ensure that it can read from secrets in the secret/test path.

    $ vault read auth/approle/role/argocd
    Key                        Value
    ---                        -----
    bind_secret_id             true
    local_secret_ids           false
    policies                   [secret-ro]
    secret_id_bound_cidrs      <nil>
    secret_id_num_uses         0
    secret_id_ttl              0s
    token_bound_cidrs          []
    token_explicit_max_ttl     0s
    token_max_ttl              0s
    token_no_default_policy    false
    token_num_uses             0
    token_period               0s
    token_policies             [secret-ro]
    token_ttl                  0s
    token_type                 default
    $ vault read sys/policy/secret-ro
    Key      Value
    ---      -----
    name     secret-ro
    rules    path "secret/test" {
       capabilities = ["read", "list"]
  2. I’ve created the secret with vault kv put secret/test

    $ vault read secret/test
    Key                 Value
    ---                 -----
    refresh_interval    1h
  3. I’ve entered the role-id and secret-id (as well as the other required variable listed in their docs) into a vars.env file for argocd-vault-plugin to use.

  4. I’ve created an test Kubernetes secret resource with the secret’s path specified in order for the argocd-vault-plugin command to do the replacement

    kind: Secret
    apiVersion: v1
      name: example-annotation
    type: Opaque
      username: <path:secret/data/test#ingress>

Now when I run the cat secret.yaml | argocd-vault-plugin -c vars.env generate - command I expect to have successfully replaced the <path:secret/data/test#ingress> value with the secret stored in the vault. Instead I am getting the following error:

Code: 403. Errors:
* 1 error occurred:
	* permission denied

I have tried a different method of authenticating, by creating the token and utilising that in the argocd-vault-plugin command (as documented here) which is providing a different error message:

Error: Replace: could not replace all placeholders in Template:
Error making API request.

Code: 403. Errors:

* 1 error occurred:
	* permission denied

So at this point I thought my policy configuration might have been incorrect, so I’ve logged into the vault CLI (vault login) using the same token that argocd-vault-plugin is using and verified that I can read the secret:

$ vault read secret/test
Key                 Value
---                 -----
refresh_interval    1h

Now I’m coming up blank. I’m not sure what else I can look into to try and resolve this issue so any pointers or insight into this would be greatly appreciated. I imagine there’s something small and silly that I’ve missed.

Any thoughts?

I have listed the steps taken to attempt to get this working below.


  • Enable approle authentication method

    vault auth enable approle

  • Create new approle

    $ vault write auth/approle/role/argocd-vault-plugin token_num_uses=0 secret_id_num_uses=0 policies="argocd-vault-plugin-policy"
    Success! Data written to: auth/approle/role/argocd-vault-plugin
  • Get approle role-id and secret-id and store in vars.env file

    $ vault read auth/approle/role/argocd-vault-plugin/role-id
    Key        Value
    ---        -----
    role_id    role-id-1234
    $ vault write -f auth/approle/role/argocd-vault-plugin/secret-id
    Key                   Value
    ---                   -----
    secret_id             secret-id-1234
    secret_id_accessor    token-accessor-1234
    secret_id_ttl         0s
  • Enable secrets engine at argocd path

    $ vault secrets enable -version=2 -path=argocd kv
    Success! Enabled the kv secrets engine at: argocd/
  • Create example secret

    $ vault kv put argocd/argocd-vault-plugin/test my-secret=123456789
    ============ Secret Path ============
    ======= Metadata =======
    Key                Value
    ---                -----
    created_time       2022-06-16T04:13:11.541399045Z
    custom_metadata    <nil>
    deletion_time      n/a
    destroyed          false
    version            1
  • Create policy for approle to use

    $ cat policy.hcl
    path "argocd/data/argocd-vault-plugin/test" {
     capabilities = ["read", "list"]
    $ vault policy write argocd-vault-plugin-policy policy.hcl
    Success! Uploaded policy: argocd-vault-plugin-policy


  • Write values to vars.env file

    $ cat vars.env
  • Source vars.env file with source vars.env

  • Write example secret resource

    $ cat secret.yaml
    kind: Secret
    apiVersion: v1
      name: example-secret
    type: Opaque
      username: <path:argocd/data/argocd-vault-plugin/test#my-secret>
  • Run argocd-vault-plugin command

    • Attempted in CLI on local machine

      $ cat secret.yaml | argocd-vault-plugin generate -
      Error: Error making API request.
      URL: PUT
      Code: 403. Errors:
      * 1 error occurred:
          * permission denied
  • Collect token

    $ vault write auth/approle/login role_id="role-id-1234" \
    >     secret_id="secret-id-1234"
    Key                     Value
    ---                     -----
    token                   token-1234
    token_accessor          token-accessor-1234
    token_duration          1h
    token_renewable         true
    token_policies          ["argocd-vault-plugin-policy" "default"]
    identity_policies       []
    policies                ["argocd-vault-plugin-policy" "default"]
    token_meta_role_name    argocd-vault-plugin
  • Write token to vars.env and change auth type to token

    $ cat vars.env
  • source vars.env

  • Run argocd-vault-plugin command

    $ cat secret.yaml | argocd-vault-plugin generate -
    Error: Replace: could not replace all placeholders in Template:
    Error making API request.
    URL: GET
    Code: 403. Errors:
    * 1 error occurred:
        * permission denied

I have never used HCP Vault - however I understand from other forum posts here, that in HCP Vault, customers don’t have access to the root namespace, and everything happens under a child namespace called admin.

I wonder if your problems are because your manual shell CLI environment is configured for this, but ArgoCD is not.

Beyond that, I’d suggest checking the Vault audit log, to confirm the exact details of the requests that are being denied.

I don’t see anything glaring wrong here – you didn’t mention the version of Vault you were using … also are you actually using HCP? You didn’t mention it but your URL look “cloud-ish”, if so you’re missing your namespace parameters everywhere … which would be very odd as your other commands are working.

Two items that I highly recommend using when doing access issues:

A) Turn on your audit device, and check to see what is exactly being accessed and denied. That’ll tell you if your policy and path or your token policy and policy name don’t match.

B) VAULT_TOKEN=<your root or admin token> vault token capabilities <token to test> <direct path>

These will help you diagnose where the issue might be.

So assuming you are usiong the approle token – In your case B should result in:

$ vault token capabilities argocd/data/argocd-vault-plugin/test
list, read

Thanks for the replies.

This issue turned out to be a few things.

  1. I had not passed in the namespace that I was using (admin in this case) and the argocd-vault-plugin defaults to root. That solved the main issue.
  2. The ArgoCD version of 2.4.0 has introduced changes to their environment variable handling that breaks the vault plugin. Deploying ArgoCD on 2.4.3 resolved that issue.