I am trying to import a key vault in my tf state and hence using the new functionality of using import block to import the resources, hence running the command : terraform plan -generate-config-out=generated_resources.tf to generate the generated_resources.tf file with the configuration to be import, but after running this command i do not see the file getting created. i have enabled the tracing the but the only two places the file name mentioned are like in here:
023-08-29T22:17:53.740+0530 [INFO] CLI args: []string{“C:\Terraform\terraform.exe”, “plan”, “-generate-config-out=generated_resources.tf”}
2023-08-29T22:17:53.753+0530 [INFO] CLI command args: []string{“plan”, “-generate-config-out=generated_resources.tf”}
in the plan output i do get it that we have 1 resource to import but its configuration is not getting generated in the file specified.
i have used with version 1.5.2 and 1.5.6 but it doesn’t works. am i missing something.