Iterate over a map with flatten - code review/feedback

Howdy, I have some working code after messing around a bit, but I’m looking for feedback on it. I usually avoid these more complex things in the spirit of KISS, but this one would result in a lot of cp/paste.

locals {
  owners = flatten([

    # This will iterate over the key and flatten the values into a single list of maps.

    for identity_group_key, group in local.identity_groups : [
      for user in group.owners : {
        group = identity_group_key
        owner = user

  identity_groups = {
    "my-group" = {
      description = "value"
      display_name = "value"
      managers = [ "managers" ]
      members = [ "members" ]
      owners = [ "brett", "frank" ]

# Iterate over local.owners to create a map of maps for the owners

output "identity_groups_owners" {
  value = { for user in local.owners : "${}.${user.owner}" => user }

# Testing local

output "owners" {
  value = local.owners

I’m basically wondering if there is an easier way of doing this and if my code comments align with what is actually happening. I was trying to write more detailed code comments, but I’m struggling a bit.