This is incorrect and certainly will be enough to break it. Delete that part.
You may also need to fix the Content-Type sent with the request:
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
since curl --data implies a default of application/x-www-form-urlencoded, which this is not. I’m not sure whether Vault cares about this, or can figure out what you actually meant despite receiving an incorrect Content-Type header.
{"level":"FATAL","time":"2023-01-17T08:24:31.329+0100","msg":"failed to load secrets","error":"Error making API request.\n\nURL: GET\nCode: 403. Errors:\n\n* permission denied"}
when I try to login via the API using the same, it was successful, but i can’t see to understand why the pod can’t authenticate with the valid JWT when it tries to fetch secret