Kubernetes install - Ip address of Vault cluster /api/ active node address does not show correct address

I recently set up a vault backed by consul installed through a helm chart. Got a working copy and it is great.

Before I delved into it I wanted to run through some scenarios where the podes were abruptly stopped. I stopped the pods on both consul and vault. On consul things seemed to come right.

However when i unsealed vault it said that the active node was missing so it couldn’t login.
When i did some further inspection I found that the ip addresses for cluster /node adddresses is coming up like this:

Key                    Value
---                    -----
Seal Type              shamir
Initialized            true
Sealed                 false
Total Shares           5
Threshold              5
Version                1.7.3
Storage Type           consul
Cluster Name           vault-cluster-3c371ff9
Cluster ID             e8ae440b-7267-3a0a-d011-21181dd5c562
HA Enabled             true
HA Cluster             https://$(HOSTNAME).vault-internal:8201
HA Mode                standby
Active Node Address    http://$(POD_IP):8200

Somehow I think this has something to do with it. It can’t resolve the address. Any help in this matter will be helpful to understand how to recover from a scenario like this.

Many thanks in advance.



I am using vault helm chart vault- 0.13.0