Hi there,
I have a resource similar to the below which has a dynamic number of origins
blocks based on some environmental overrides:
resource "cloudflare_load_balancer_pool" "delivery-platform" {
for_each = var.load_balancer_pools
name = "gcp-delivery-platform-${each.key}"
description = "GCP Delivery Platform - ${title(each.key)}"
enabled = true
minimum_origins = 1
notification_email = ""
dynamic "origins" {
for_each = each.value
content {
name = origins.key
address = origins.value["address"]
weight = lookup(origins.value, "weight", 1)
monitor = cloudflare_load_balancer_monitor.ingress-nginx[each.key].id
I’m looking to be able to add a lifecycle rule to ignore changes for the weight
key in all origin blocks.
I thought I could perhaps use some sort of splat syntax but that doesn’t seem to be valid:
lifecycle {
ignore_changes = [
// origins[*]["weight"]
The only current workaround I can think of is to add ignore rules for origins [0], [1], [2]
etc. up to a sensible number that I don’t think will be exceeded.
Is anyone aware of a better way to achieve this?