Hello all,
I am attempting to create iterable SGs in v12 and cannot get this list of maps to work in the tfvars file.
s_groups_dev = [
name = "kube_master"
description = "desc"
vpc_id = "<vpc ID>"
tags = merge( local.common_tags, { "Name" = "kube-master" }, )
name = "kube_master_instance_access_egress"
description = "desc"
vpc_id = "<vpc ID>"
tags = merge( local.common_tags, { "Name" = "kube_master_instance_access_egress" }, )
My error:
Error: Unsupported argument
on tfvars.tf line 1:
1: s_groups_dev = [
An argument named "s_groups_dev" is not expected here.
I do have the var defined in the variables.tf file