Looking for the origin of some values from Azure

I’m one of the knuckleheads trying to automate the Azure AD > Okta > AWS federation bit. It’s been a slog the whole way. I’m okay with Terraform but don’t know a thing about Azure.

One thing I can’t seem to find is where the value comes from for:

  • user_impersonation
  • oauth2_permission_scopes > id

It’s the same value and I have no idea where it comes from or what I need to do to generate it.

These blocks represent a manual configuration of AAD ↔ Okta that functions as expected. That configuration was then imported from Azure into Terraform to produce the terraform definitions below; one-each for an:

  • Enterprise Application and
  • Service Principal
# azuread_application.works:
resource "azuread_application" "test" {
  app_role_ids                   = {}
  application_id                 = "xdbdf394-da73-48c2-8ae0-r55027ecea7x"
  device_only_auth_enabled       = false
  disabled_by_microsoft          = "<nil>"
  display_name                   = "Okta"
  fallback_public_client_enabled = false
  group_membership_claims        = []
  id                             = "x1e47d16-9dfb-4392-9873-ea852d62927x"
  identifier_uris = [
  oauth2_permission_scope_ids = {
    "user_impersonation" = "yo673dfd-0104-4945-b487-5adbceda821g"
  oauth2_post_response_required = false
  object_id                     = "x1e47d16-9dfb-4392-9873-ea852d62927x"
  owners                        = []
  prevent_duplicate_names       = false
  publisher_domain              = "todddsmhotmail.onmicrosoft.com"
  sign_in_audience              = "AzureADMyOrg"
  tags                          = []
  template_id                   = "8adf8e6e-67b2-6cf2-b333-e3dc5476c720"

  api {
    known_client_applications      = []
    mapped_claims_enabled          = false
    requested_access_token_version = 1

    oauth2_permission_scope {
      admin_consent_description  = "Allow the application to access Okta on behalf of the signed-in user."
      admin_consent_display_name = "Access Okta"
      enabled                    = true
      id                         = "yo673dfd-0104-4945-b487-5adbceda821g"
      type                       = "User"
      user_consent_description   = "Allow the application to access Okta on your behalf."
      user_consent_display_name  = "Access Okta"
      value                      = "user_impersonation"

  app_role {
    allowed_member_types = [
    description  = "User"
    display_name = "User"
    enabled      = true
    id           = "foo14569-c3bd-439b-9a66-3a2aee01dbar"
  app_role {
    allowed_member_types = [
    description  = "msiam_access"
    display_name = "msiam_access"
    enabled      = true
    id           = "blah2174-c057-4xce-951b-be3adc52blah"

  feature_tags {
    custom_single_sign_on = false
    enterprise            = false
    gallery               = false
    hide                  = false

  public_client {
    redirect_uris = []

  single_page_application {
    redirect_uris = []

  timeouts {}

  web {
    homepage_url = "https://account.activedirectory.windowsazure.com:444/applications/default.aspx?metadata=customappsso|ISV9.1|primary|z"
    redirect_uris = [

    implicit_grant {
      access_token_issuance_enabled = false
      id_token_issuance_enabled     = true

# azuread_service_principal.works:
resource "azuread_service_principal" "test" {
  account_enabled              = true
  alternative_names            = []
  app_role_assignment_required = true
  app_role_ids                 = {}
  app_roles = [
      allowed_member_types = [
      description  = "User"
      display_name = "User"
      enabled      = true
      id           = "foo14569-c3bd-439b-9a66-3a2aee01dbar"
      value        = ""
      allowed_member_types = [
      description  = "msiam_access"
      display_name = "msiam_access"
      enabled      = true
      id           = "blah2174-c057-4xce-951b-be3adc52blah"
      value        = ""
  application_id        = "xdbdf394-da73-48c2-8ae0-r55027ecea7x"
  application_tenant_id = "86e87001-aede-4084-09s8-12534c4e3691"
  display_name          = "Okta"
  homepage_url          = "https://account.activedirectory.windowsazure.com:444/applications/default.aspx?metadata=customappsso|ISV9.1|primary|z"
  id                    = "64a67f2f-5bca-4d10-9163-b590fb3e123j"
  notification_email_addresses = [
  oauth2_permission_scope_ids = {
    "user_impersonation" = "yo673dfd-0104-4945-b487-5adbceda821g"
  oauth2_permission_scopes = [
      admin_consent_description  = "Allow the application to access Okta on behalf of the signed-in user."
      admin_consent_display_name = "Access Okta"
      enabled                    = true
      id                         = "yo673dfd-0104-4945-b487-5adbceda821g"
      type                       = "User"
      user_consent_description   = "Allow the application to access Okta on your behalf."
      user_consent_display_name  = "Access Okta"
      value                      = "user_impersonation"
  object_id                     = "64a67f2f-5bca-4d10-9163-b590fb3e123j"
  owners                        = []
  preferred_single_sign_on_mode = "saml"
  redirect_uris = [
  service_principal_names = [
  sign_in_audience = "AzureADMyOrg"
  tags = [
  type = "Application"

  feature_tags {
    custom_single_sign_on = true
    enterprise            = true
    gallery               = false
    hide                  = false

  saml_single_sign_on {}

  timeouts {}

You may have to define and import this: Terraform Registry

Hi, thanks for taking a stab at this one. It appears this page is for provider version 1.6.0 . The latest version is 2.37.2 . It also appears this resource has been deprecated(?); I can’t seem to any indication about where that functionality was moved to.

The search continues… :slightly_smiling_face:

UPDATE: the UUID described below is auto-generated by assigning an Okta URL (for user_impersonation) to an Azure Application scopes value. In Azure, navigate to: AAD > App registrations (All applications): Select the App in question. In the left nav click: Expose API and configure the assignment. This UUID is reused for the below parameters:

resource "azuread_application" "test" {
  oauth2_permission_scope_ids    = {
      "user_impersonation" = "yo673dfd-0104-4945-b487-5adbceda821g"
  api {
    oauth2_permission_scope {
      id = "yo673dfd-0104-4945-b487-5adbceda821g"

resource "azuread_service_principal" "test" {
  oauth2_permission_scope_ids = {
    "user_impersonation" = "yo673dfd-0104-4945-b487-5adbceda821g"
  oauth2_permission_scopes = [
      id  = "yo673dfd-0104-4945-b487-5adbceda821g"