Loop list(map(string))

hello good morning, I am trying to go through a list that contains maps. It is a module to create a backup plan using the aws service. The input data is the list of maps and I want to iterate to obtain the name

inputs = {
 datos = [
      datos1={name ="backup-plan"},
      datos2={name ="backup-ldap"}}


resource "aws_backup_plan" "backup-plan" {
 dynamic "dato" {
    for_each =local.datos
    content {

  rule {
    rule_name         = "${var.time_rule_name}-${local.backups.retention}-day-retention"
    target_vault_name = aws_backup_vault.backup-vault.name
    schedule          = local.backups.schedule
    start_window      = 60
    completion_window = 300

    lifecycle {
      delete_after = local.backups.retention

    recovery_point_tags = {
      Project = var.project
      Role    = "backup"
      Creator = "aws-backups"

  tags = {
    Project = var.project
    Role    = "backup"

resource "aws_backup_selection" "server-backup-selection" {
  iam_role_arn = aws_iam_role.aws-backup-service-role.arn
  name         = "server-resources"
  plan_id      = aws_backup_plan.backup-plan.id

  selection_tag {
    type  = "STRINGEQUALS"
    key   = var.key
    value = "true"

errors are:

Error: Missing required argument
The argument “name” is required, but no definition was found.
Error: Unsupported block type
dynamic “dato” {
Blocks of type “dato” are not expected here.