Merging a map of Subnets with CidrSubnet List

Hi all, im fairly new to terraform and im trying to create a subnet model where i recieve the name and subnet mask.
Based of the subnet mask i generate a list of CIDRs using “cidrsubnets”. I would like to merge based of the index, the map of subnets to include subnet_name, subnet_size and the list of subnet_cidr
Expected outcome is

    subnet_ip   = ""
    subnet_name = "app"
    subnet_size = 26
      subnet_ip   = ""
      subnet_name = "data"
      subnet_size = 27
      subnet_ip   = ""
      subnet_name = "shd"
      subnet_size = 27
locals {
  base_cidr_block = ""

  cidr_mask = tonumber(split("/", local.base_cidr_block)[1])

  #This will be a tfvar input 
  subnet_input = {
    "app" = 26
    "data" = 27

  #this is static, always part of subnetting
  shd_subnet = {
      "shd" = 27

  subnet_merge = merge(local.subnet_input, local.shd_subnet)

  subnet_cidr = cidrsubnets(local.base_cidr_block, [for k,v in local.subnet_merge : v - local.cidr_mask]...)

  first_try = concat(
      for i in range(length(local.subnet_cidr)) : 
      [ for k,v in local.subnet_merge : {
            subnet_name = k
            subnet_size = v
            subnet_ip = local.subnet_cidr[i]

  second_try = merge(flatten(
      for i in range(length(local.subnet_cidr)) : [ 
      for k,v in local.subnet_merge : {
            subnet_name = k
            subnet_size = v
            subnet_ip = local.subnet_cidr[i]

output "subnet_merge" {
  value = local.subnet_merge
output "subnet_list" {
  value = local.subnet_cidr
output "first_try" {
  value = local.first_try

output "second_try" {
  value = local.second_try

This ended up being my solution

locals {  
  base_cidr_block = ""

  cidr_mask = tonumber(split("/", local.base_cidr_block)[1])

  prefix = "client"
  #This is a tfvar input 
  subnet_input = {
    "app" = 26
    "data" = 27

  #this is static, always part of subnetting
  shd_subnet = {
      "shd" = 27

  subnet_merge = merge(local.subnet_input, local.shd_subnet)
  subnet_cidr = cidrsubnets(local.base_cidr_block, [for k,v in local.subnet_merge : v - local.cidr_mask]...)

  subnets = [ for i in range(length(local.subnet_merge)) : 
        subnet_name = "${local.prefix}-${keys(local.subnet_merge)[i]}-snet-01"
        address_prefixes = local.subnet_cidr[i]