I am trying to create a module for the template_cloudinit_config
data. The problem is that the config has become rather unwieldy and varied depending on the virtual machine I’m provisioning.
A big chunk of the cloud-init is the same for all virtual machines, but some parts vary.
For example I have something like this:
data "template_cloudinit_config" "prometheus" {
# split in parts - 1st is cloud-init cfg as such; from 2nd onwards, shell scripts.
# default gzip is true + base64 encoded (for proxmox and vsphere ova don't encode or zip the cloud-init)
gzip = false
base64_encode = false
part {
filename = "cloud-init.cfg"
content_type = "text/cloud-config"
content = templatefile("${path.module}/../shared/${var.hostname}/userdata.tpl", {
node_name = var.hostname
infra_ca = file("${path.module}/../certificate-transit/ca.crt")
consul_server_crt = tls_locally_signed_cert.prometheus.cert_pem
consul_server_key = tls_private_key.prometheus.private_key_pem
# we are using the same certificate for all consul instances at this point
consul_config = templatefile("${path.module}/../shared/consul/consul-config.tftpl", {
consul_datacenter = var.consul_datacenter
ui_config = var.ui_config
server_role = var.consul_server_role
bind_address = var.ip_address
bootstrap_expect = var.bootstrap_expect
retry_join = join(", ", [ for name in var.server_instance : format("%q", name["ip_address"]) ])
consul_domain = var.domain_suffix
consul_keygen = var.consul_keygen
which is mostly common for all virtual machines, but then for the kubernetes etcd nodes I have some certificates that end up in the cloud init config, such as:
etcd_ca_cert = vault_pki_secret_backend_intermediate_set_signed.kube1_etcd_ca.certificate
etcd_server_cert = vault_pki_secret_backend_cert.etcd_server[each.key].certificate
So my question is, would it be possible to conditionally add these directives depending on the virtual machine’s hostname? As far as I know, I could conditionally add/change the values of those variables, but I can’t add/remove the variables according to some external conditional, right?
I hope I was clearly enough, but let me know if I need to add more details/be more specific.
Maybe I should take a whole different approach here, but I’m not sure which.