Multiple AWS Task definitions variables

Hi Commnity, I wanna to create multiple task definitions from a string list variable, the inside my tf file a try to use variables to replace name, port and other settings, but in my port definitions block my variable substitution is not working.

My variables file:

variable "services" {
  description = "Definición de cada uno de los servicios que deben crearse dentro del namespace para cloudmap"
  type        = list(any)
  default     = ["seguridad", "personas", "correo-electronico", "documentos", "vehiculo", "opconcierge", "financiacion", "runt", "comparendo", "coactivo", "patio", "workflow"]

variable "service_ports" {
  description = "Ports definition for each service"
  type        = list(any)
  default     = ["9040", "9041", "9042", "9043", "9044", "9045", "9046", "9047", "9048", "9049", "9050", "8080"]

variable "container_images" {
  type    = list(any)
  default = ["coactivo-be-dev", "seguridad-be-dev", "seguridad-be-dev", "seguridad-be-dev", "seguridad-be-dev", "seguridad-be-dev", "seguridad-be-dev", "seguridad-be-dev", "seguridad-be-dev", "seguridad-be-dev", "seguridad-be-dev", "seguridad-be-dev"]

and my file

resource "aws_ecs_task_definition" "task_definition" {
  count  = length(
  family = "task-cd-col-${element(, count.index)}"
  container_definitions = jsonencode(
        cpu = 0
        dependsOn = [
            condition     = "HEALTHY"
            containerName = "envoy"
        environment = []
        essential   = true
        image       = element(var.container_images, count.index)
        logConfiguration = {
          logDriver = "awslogs"
          options = {
            awslogs-group         = "/ecs/task-dlab-col-coactivo-prod"
            awslogs-region        = "us-east-1"
            awslogs-stream-prefix = "ecs"
        mountPoints = []
        name        = "cont-cd-col-${element(, count.index)}-prod"
        portMappings = [
            containerPort = element(var.service_ports, count.index)
            hostPort      = element(var.service_ports, count.index)
            protocol      = "tcp"
        volumesFrom = []
        cpu = 0
        environment = [
            name  = "APPMESH_VIRTUAL_NODE_NAME"
            value = "${var.app_mesh_name}/virtualNode/${element(, count.index)}"
        essential = true
        healthCheck = {
          command = [
            "curl -s http://localhost:9901/server_info | grep state | grep -q LIVE",
          interval    = 5
          retries     = 3
          startPeriod = 10
          timeout     = 2
        image        = var.envoy_image
        memory       = 500
        mountPoints  = []
        name         = "envoy"
        portMappings = []
        user         = "1337"
        volumesFrom  = []
  cpu                = "256"
  execution_role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::073061431630:role/ecsTaskExecutionRole"
  memory             = "512"
  network_mode       = "awsvpc"
  requires_compatibilities = [
  tags = {
    "Ambiente" = "Produccion"
    "Proyecto" = "Datalab_Col"
  tags_all = {
    "Ambiente" = "Produccion"
    "Proyecto" = "Datalab_Col"
  task_role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::073061431630:role/ecsTaskExecutionRole"

  proxy_configuration {
    container_name = "envoy"
    properties = {
      "AppPorts"           = element(var.service_ports, count.index)
      "EgressIgnoredIPs"   = ","
      "EgressIgnoredPorts" = "8899"
      "IgnoredGID"         = ""
      "IgnoredUID"         = "1337"
      "ProxyEgressPort"    = "15001"
      "ProxyIngressPort"   = "15000"
    type = "APPMESH"

When I run a terraform plan command I get this error:

Error: ECS Task Definition container_definitions is invalid: Error decoding JSON: json: cannot unmarshal string into Go struct field PortMapping.PortMappings.ContainerPort of type int64

But if I replace these lines

containerPort = element(var.service_ports, count.index)
hostPort      = element(var.service_ports, count.index)
protocol      = "tcp"

with the port number my terraform plan works fine, but all my container has a different ports.

Please, cloud you help me? Anyone knos what is my problem?

Thank you!