Multiple values for same tag category

there is a couple of time im trying to make this work but i dont succeed my self and need your precious help.
i’m using the plugin GitHub - Terraform-VMWare-Modules/terraform-vsphere-vm: Terraform vSphere module for provisioning Virtual Machines and i try to get multiple elements for the same tag category. It works manually but impossible to make it work with this module.

in the module i define tags like this

  tags = {
    "site"   = "xxx"
    "apps"  = "docker"

and it works but if i want multiple elements in apps category it doesnt works
So far i understand that i have to change the structure to put map of list like this:

  tags = {
    "site"   = ["xxx"]
    "apps"  = ["nginx", "docker"]

but i dont succeed to configure the data to get this informations

data "vsphere_tag_category" "category" {                                                                                                                                                                            
  count      = var.tags != null ? length(var.tags) : 0
  name       = keys(var.tags)[count.index]
  depends_on = [var.tag_depends_on]
data "vsphere_tag" "tag" {
  count       = var.tags != null ? length(var.tags) : 0
  name        = var.tags[keys(var.tags)[count.index]]
  category_id = data.vsphere_tag_category.category[count.index].id
  #depends_on  = [var.tag_depends_on]

I tried to make a flattern in a local variable but i dont make it work
Help will be more than welcome

im getting crazy trying to make it with a map of list, so im thinking that it may be more easier to make a string with a delimiter that i can split after like this:

  tags = {
    "site"   = "xxx"
    "apps"  = "docker, nginx"

then i’m trying something like this:

locals {
  tagid = [for item in var.tags:]

data "vsphere_tag" "tag" {
  for_each   = var.tags
  name        = split(",", each.value[count.index])
  category_id = data.vsphere_tag_category.category[count.index].id

I dont understand how to get a count index + for_each for key and values
I may go in the wrong way but i feel its the simpliest solution…

making the variable tag way doesnt seems easier in the and

  tags = {
    "site"   = "xxx"
    "apps"  = "docker, nginx"

Im trying back the one with lists

  tags = {
    "site"   = ["xxx"]
    "apps"  = ["nginx", "docker"]

If i build a local that way:

locals {
  test3 = merge([
    for key, values in var.tags : {
      for value in values :
        "${key}-${value}" => {
          "cat"   = key                                                                                                                                                                                         
          "sub" = value

I succeed to get all the values:

  for_each = local.test3
  provisioner "local-exec" {
    command = <<-EOT
      echo ${} - ${each.value.sub}

but now i dont see how to configure the data objects in order to get this values

data "vsphere_tag_category" "category" {                                                                                                                                                                            
  count      = var.tags != null ? length(var.tags) : 0
  name       = keys(var.tags)[count.index]
  depends_on = [var.tag_depends_on]

data "vsphere_tag" "tag" {
  count       = var.tags != null ? length(var.tags) : 0
  name        = var.tags[keys(var.tags)[count.index]]
  category_id = data.vsphere_tag_category.category[count.index].id
  depends_on  = [var.tag_depends_on]

the goal is then to asign vsphere_tag.tag???.id into the tags var in vspehere in order to asign a unique id for each key.value element

Thanks for any help on that

i feel that im very near, i changed the 2 data blocks that way:

data "vsphere_tag_category" "category" {
  for_each    = local.test3
  name       =
  depends_on = [var.tag_depends_on]                                                                                                                                                                                 
data "vsphere_tag" "tag" {
  for_each    = local.test3
  name        = each.value.sub
  category_id = data.vsphere_tag_category.category[each.key].id
  depends_on = [var.tag_depends_on]

I suceed to get id with :

  for_each = local.test3
  provisioner "local-exec" {
    command = <<-EOT
        echo ${data.vsphere_tag_category.category[each.key].id} ${data.vsphere_tag.tag[each.key].id}

The probleme is now to assign this into the vm creation module
the original code is :

tags                    = var.tag_ids != null ? var.tag_ids : data.vsphere_tag.tag[*].id

but i get this error:

│ Error: Unsupported attribute
│   on .terraform/modules/vm-gitlab-runner-prod/ line 92, in resource "vsphere_virtual_machine" "vm":
│   92:   tags                    = var.tag_ids != null ? var.tag_ids : data.vsphere_tag.tag[*].id
│ This object does not have an attribute named "id".

Any idea ?