Need Assistance w/ a CDKTF example

Can someone please assist me with some very vanilla example code. I’m struggling to find examples online…

I would like to use CDKTF (the latest version is fine) to import a local HCL module and run a plan/apply on it.

The HCL module can be as simple as creating an AWS S3 bucket that combines a string with an input variable to ultimately produce the name of the resource.
Something like my-awesome-${var.environment}-bucket.

I would like to please request that:

  • the CDKTF example be in Typescript. Please show all required imports, how to call the module by passing in the variable of var.environment, .
  • please show any local module references in the tsconfig.json file.
  • I’ll eventually need to figure out the proper process to import existing HCL resources into my new codebase. I’m very familiar with terraform import and terraform state mv commands so I’m hoping I can continue to do the same or something similar…
  • is there anything else I am missing?

I have a decent amount of Terraform code but it’s in HCL. I would like to use the nice benefits/features of CDKTF to call already existing code. Maybe one day fully convert the HCL code to TypeScript but for now, I’m taking baby steps.

Are there any plans to maybe add tutorial for something similar as what I’ve requested above to help the onboarding process a little easier/faster?

Thanks in advance for any/all help!

I also just stumbled upon this docs folder so I’m currently reviewing:

:wave: Some other helpful resources are:

Thanks for the extra resources @mutahhir !.