Need help constructing a map from lists

Hi, we have the following lists:


We are currently creating a list from them like so:

  additional_public_company_com_dns_fqdns = flatten([
    for name in var.additional_company_com_dns_names : [
      for subdomain in local.dns_company_com_public_subdomain :

We need to modify this logic to create a map where the resultant ${name}.${subdomain} from the above is the key and the subdomain is the value.

Help would be appreciated!

Took some time away from the kb and solved it. Kind of embarassing how simple it was in the end.

  map_of_company_com_dns_fqdns = flatten([
    for name in var.additional_company_com_dns_names : [
      for subdomain in local.dns_company_com_public_subdomain : {
        "${name}.${subdomain}" = subdomain
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