Need help on Azure ARM template execution

Need help on terraform code to execute Azure ARM template on Subscription level.

I am able to execute the powershell command as below but i need the same to execute with terraform, if anyone can help on this.

New-AzureRmDeployment -Location “West US” -TemplateFile “D:\Azure\Templates\EngineeringSite.json” -TemplateParameterFile “D:\Azure\Templates\EngSiteParms.json” -TemplateVersion “2.1”

Below article can be used on Resource group level, but as i told i need to execute on Subscription level.

To execute at the subscription level, you should be ok as long as Terraform is being called with a service principle that has write access at the subscription level. Do you happen to know what principle you’re using to call this and what permissions it has?

Hi, i can try with that. I may need some help on correct terraform execution code to push the arm template on subscription level. Deployment job should runnon Subscription level not on Resource group level.