Nested for loop help

I can’t seem to figure out how to implement a nested for loop for a for_each to create EBS volumes. I have created the instances using count, but want to avoid index issues on volumes. Say I have var.replicas = 3 and var.raid_volumes = 8, I want to create instance-[instance]-[volume], so I should have 24 volumes total. Ideally it would be also nice to be able to access the instance number so I can select it for the availability zone. Any ideas how to implement this?

My last attempt:
for_each = toset([for i in range(var.replicas) : [for d in range(var.raid_volumes) : format(“%s-%s-data-%s”,, i, d)]])

Thanks in advance.

Hi @DennoVonDiesel,

Instead of flattening nested loops, I think the setproduct function is what you are looking for. Maybe something like this?

[ for v in setproduct(range(var.replicas), range(var.volumes)) : format("%s-%d-data-%d",, v[0], v[1]) ]

Which outputs values like:

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Much thanks! That’s it!