New with terraform, a list object question

Hello all :slight_smile:
I am new to terraform and I have a maybe simple question.

I want to create schema and policies for postgres:

My question, how would be the variable look like for schema object (see sample ressource at the end) ?
I have a problem with policy blocks, have to start with policy then policy in {} and if there are more than one no comma ( maybe wrong in documentation?)

  policy {
    create = true
    usage  = true
    role   = "${}"
  policy {
    create = true
    usage  = true
    role   = "${}"

The whole example :

resource "postgresql_schema" "my_schema" {
  name  = "my_schema"
  owner = "postgres"

  policy {
    usage = true
    role  = "${}"

  # app_releng can create new objects in the schema.  This is the role that
  # migrations are executed as.
  policy {
    create = true
    usage  = true
    role   = "${}"

  policy {
    create_with_grant = true
    usage_with_grant  = true
    role              = "${}"