Nomad workload identity - claimmappings, need help with understanding

Hi all,
Need some help with interpretation what claimmappings are. From doc i found that nomad is providing 5 claimings:
“nomad_namespace”: “default”,
“nomad_job_id”: “example”,
“nomad_allocation_id”: “5c6328f7-48c5-4d03-bada-91ef2e904d0d”,
“nomad_task”: “web”,
“nomad_service”: “http”

But how that mappings are used on the consul side ?

Hi @danm-talkscriber,

Welcome to the HashiCorp Forums!

This documentation will help you understand how the claim mappings are used when using Nomad Workload Identity.

Ref: Consul ACL | Nomad | HashiCorp Developer