Not able to add multiple conditions in google_monitoring_alert_policy for GCP provider alerting policy

Please help me adding multiple condition in single alerting policy for GCP provider using Terraform script. I am not able to get anything on documentation.

Below is the code snippet but this doesn’t seems to work.

resource "google_monitoring_alert_policy" "alert_policy" {
  display_name = "Engine Request count Policy"
  combiner     = "OR"
  conditions   = [
    display_name = "Request count condition"
    condition_threshold  {
      filter          = "metric.type=\"\" AND resource.type=\"cloud_run_revision\" AND metric.label.response_code_class=\"4xx\" AND resource.label.service_name=\"dev-ms\""
      duration        = "60s"
      comparison      = "COMPARISON_GT"
      threshold_value = 5
      trigger = {
        count = 1
      aggregations  {
        alignment_period     = "60s"
        per_series_aligner   = "ALIGN_DELTA"
        cross_series_reducer = "REDUCE_SUM"
        group_by_fields      = ["metric.label.response_code_class", "resource.label.revision_name"]
    display_name = "Request latencies condition"
    condition_threshold {
      filter          = "metric.type=\"\" AND resource.type=\"cloud_run_revision\" AND metric.label.response_code_class=\"4xx\" AND resource.label.service_name=\"dev--ms\""
      duration        = "60s"
      comparison      = "COMPARISON_GT"
      threshold_value = 5
      trigger = {
        count = 1
      aggregations  {
        alignment_period     = "60s"
        per_series_aligner   = "ALIGN_DELTA"
        cross_series_reducer = "REDUCE_SUM"
        group_by_fields      = ["metric.label.response_code_class", "resource.label.revision_name"]
  documentation {
    content = "The cloud run based request count alerting policy."
  notification_channels = [

  user_labels = {
    name = "alert-policy"