OCI: How do you do multiple keys in protection capabilities?

I’ve being digging around the documentation and any of sources on the web I can find, but cant seem to figure out how to have multiple keys. New to OCI and Terraform…

I am able to manual through the web gui and checkbox multiple protection capabilities keys.

Any suggestions or tips? Urls?


Here is my tf file so far.

resource “oci_waf_web_app_firewall_policy” “devtest_waf_policy” {
compartment_id = “ocid1.compartment.oc1…****”
actions {
name = “defaultAction”
type = “ALLOW”
actions {
name = “return401Response”
code = 401
body {
type = “STATIC_TEXT”
text = “{\n"code": 401,\n"message":"Unauthorized"\n}”
request_access_control {
default_action_name = “defaultAction”
rules {
name = “Block-Non-US”
action_name = “return401Response”
condition = “!i_contains([‘US’], connection.source.geo.countryCode)”
request_protection {
rules {
name = “WAF Protection Policies”
action_name = “return401Response”
protection_capabilities {
#key = “[942270’, ‘9420000’, ‘941140’, ‘9410000’, ‘9320000’]”
key = 942270
version = 1
collaborative_action_threshold = 4

example I found with one key: terraform-provider-oci/examples/web_app_firewall/waf_full.tf at master · terraform-providers/terraform-provider-oci · GitHub

terraform doc: Terraform Registry