Hi Vault team,
We are connecting auth0 and vault using jwt tokesn and the oidc auth provider.
Auth0 enforces custom claims to be namespaced under a url, the jwt toke will have:
"https://acme.com/iam": {
"policy": "foo"
The role in oidc is then configured to use a bound claim to match the jwt token:
vault write auth/oidct/role/foo -<<EOF
"allowed_redirect_uris": "http://localhost:8250/oidc/callback,https://vault.acme.comt:443/ui/vault/auth/oidc/oidc/callback",
"role_type": "oidc",
"ttl": "1h",
"user_claim": "sub",
"bound_audiences": "ailoguydfufgaekmwrhtkwljrth",
"bound_claims": {
"/https:~1~1acme.com~1iam/policy": "foo"
"policies": "foo_policy"
We then try to login using the foo role:
vault login -method=oidc -path=oidc role=foo
and get the following error:
* error validating claims: claim "/https:~1~1acme.com~1iam/policy" is missing
We have also created another oidc role that uses a claim that doesn’t requires a json pointer and it works as expect.
Can you help us understanding if there is some issue with the json pointer?