On instance vault integration with multiple Kubernetes clusters

Hi Team,

i’m new to vault and trying to integrate it with kubernetes clusters.
Vault is on a single AWS instance running with consul as storage backend . We are looking to integrate this vault instance with multiple EKS clusters.
In docs i can see to integrate vault we have to install it in kubernetes and provide kubernetes_host for the cluster. then enable kubernetes auth.
doc link

vault auth enable kubernetes

vault write auth/kubernetes/config \
   token_reviewer_jwt="$(cat /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token)" \
   kubernetes_host=https://${KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR}:443 \

is there a way to provide multiple host or use single instance with multiple clusters?


This example shows a simple setup for someone who has only one Kubernetes cluster … but you can enable multiple instances of the Kubernetes auth method at different Vault paths, and point each one to a different cluster.

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Since you have to initiate the connection from the Kubernetes hosts you are limited to one at a time. Each cluster would need it’s own vault role – since it uses the local serviceaccount and JWT token.

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Thanks @maxb , will try this approach.

Hi @maxb @aram, found this blog vault with multicluster it’s using the approach @maxb shared but EKS jwt token expires after an hour. Is there a way to handle this natively in vault? or writing script to renew tokens is the only way? Thanks!

Is there any way currently which we can integrate and use multiple Kubernetes clusters of vault instance without any Vault path issue to fetch secrets.


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