We’re interesting in rolling out check blocks to verify various life states of our Kubernetes components. We’re considering using check blocks for this, with the data source kubernetes_resource to pull in life state.
This works well, except that the extremely large json object is printed during the plan for each of these data sources:
# module.karpenter.data.kubernetes_resource.infra-spot will be read during apply
# (config will be reloaded to verify a check block)
<= data "kubernetes_resource" "infra-spot" {
+ api_version = "apps/v1"
+ kind = "Deployment"
+ object = {
+ apiVersion = "apps/v1"
+ kind = "Deployment"
+ metadata = {
+ annotations = {
+ "deployment.kubernetes.io/revision" = "1"
+ "meta.helm.sh/release-name" = "karpenter"```
This will become unusable if we add sufficient checks to cover the estate… is there a way to suppress this output from the plan?