Hi, am new to Vault and trying to setup DB secrets engine with Oracle plugin. But noticing the below error, searched on google but couldn’t find much. Hoping to find useful info here, before raising a case with hashicorp.
[user@server plugin_directory]$ vault plugin register -sha256="4b2034feb30fec6420db53bb02c6bf860a0c8ba825f141df36e2fa20ed897f7f" database vault-plugin-database-oracle
Success! Registered plugin: vault-plugin-database-oracle
[user@server plugin_directory]$ vault write database/config/DBServer plugin_name=vault-plugin-database-oracle connection_url="{{username}}/{{password}}@DBHost:1521/OraDoc.localhost" allowed_roles="vault-role" username="dbuser" password="dbpwd"
Error writing data to database/config/DBServer: Error making API request.
URL: PUT https://dcev-vault:9200/v1/database/config/DBServer
Code: 400. Errors:
* error creating database object: invalid database version: 2 errors occurred:
* checksums did not match
* checksums did not match
We are on Vault v1.10, and using the latest 0.7.0 Oracle DB plugin. And ensured the SHA used in the above vault write command matches with the downloaded SHA value from oracle plugin v0.7.0