I transformed my existing packer JSON to an HCL file using the “hcl2_upgrade” command. In the converted HCL file the following lines are added for the Vault variables:
could not parse template for following block: “template: hcl2_upgrade:4: function “vault” not defined”
variable “vcenter_admin” {
type = string
default = “{{vault kv/packer/
When run a packer build I’ve got the following error:
Error: render ‘password’: template: root:1:2: executing “root” at <vault kv/packer
>: error calling vault: Vault vars are only allowed in the variables section in:
{{vault kv/packer
on w10-20h2.pkr.hcl line 125:
(source code not available)
Q: What do I need to change in my HCL file to make the Vault integration getting working again?