Packet is not connecting to private AWS EC2

I am using the AWS Code build for creating Golden-ami using packer. We have a Windows bastion host for connecting private Ec2 Linux instances in AWS VPC. So my packer needs to connect EC2 in the private subnet via windows bastion host. Bastion host is in public subnet.

I am getting the below SSH timed out error when i am running the pipeline.

“associate_public_ip_address”: “true”,
“vpc_id”: “",
“subnet_id”: "
“security_group_id”: “sg-",
“ssh_interface”: “private_ip”,
“communicator”: “ssh”,
“ssh_bastion_username”: "
“ssh_bastion_password”: "
“ssh_bastion_agent_auth”: “true”

2021/01/20 20:37:09 packer: 2021/01/20 20:37:09 [INFO] Not using winrm communicator, skipping get password…
2021/01/20 20:37:09 packer: 2021/01/20 20:37:09 [INFO] Waiting for SSH, up to timeout: 5m0s
==> AWS AMI Builder - CIS: Pausing after run of step ‘StepRunSourceInstance’. Press enter to continue. ==> AWS AMI Builder - CIS: Pausing after run of step ‘StepGetPassword’. Press enter to continue. ==> AWS AMI Builder - CIS: Using ssh communicator to connect:
2021/01/20 20:37:09 ui error: ==> AWS AMI Builder - CIS: Error waiting for SSH: Error configuring bastion: SSH_AUTH_SOCK is not set
==> AWS AMI Builder - CIS: Waiting for SSH to become available…
==> AWS AMI Builder - CIS: Error waiting for SSH: Error configuring bastion: SSH_AUTH_SOCK is not set
==> AWS AMI Builder - CIS: Pausing before cleanup of step ‘StepGetPassword’. Press enter to continue. ==> AWS AMI Builder - CIS: Pausing before cleanup of step ‘StepRunSourceInstance’. Press enter to continue. ==> AWS AMI Builder - CIS: Terminating the source AWS instance…

Could you check security group configurations and also WIN OpenSSH installation?

Security group allows SSH 22 from bastion host only.

Can you tell me where to check WIN OpenSSH installation?

You could start here or use a Linux bastion or run packer on the bastion.

Installation of OpenSSH For Windows Server | Microsoft Docs

You do not need bastion hosts. You need to change “ssh_interface” to “session_manager”
which uses AWS SSM portforwarding in the background.
For OpenSSH installation you can refer to this article