Placement failure due to cni version

Hi everyone,
I tried running this nomad job on my mac

job "victoriametrics" {
  datacenters = ["dc1"]
  type        = "service"

  group "victoriametrics" {
    count = 1

    volume "victoriametrics" {
      type      = "host"
      read_only = false
      source    = "victoriametrics"

    network {
      mode = "bridge"

      port "vicky-http" {
        static = 8248
        to = 8428

    task "victoriametrics" {
      driver = "docker"

      service {
        name     = "vicky-web"
        provider = "nomad"
        tags     = ["victoriametrics", "web"]
        port     = "vicky-http"

      volume_mount {
        volume      = "victoriametrics"
        destination = "/storage"
        read_only   = false

      config {
        image = "victoriametrics/victoria-metrics:latest"
        ports = ["vicky-http"]
        args = [

      resources {
        cpu    = 256
        memory = 300


but I encountered this issue:

Constraint ${attr.plugins.cni.version.bridge} semver >= 0.4.0 filtered 1 node

Not sure how to fix it.

Docker version is 27.1.1, build 6312585

I tried running the same job on linux and it works fine, so probably the issue with my mac.

can anyone help how to resolve this.

Hi. Install cni. Did you install cni?

I have the cni installed

ls /opt/cni/bin/


bandwidth	dhcp		firewall	host-local	loopback	portmap		sbr		tap		vlan
bridge		dummy		host-device	ipvlan		macvlan		ptp		static		tuning		vrf

Hi. Might be old version. What version? Check nomad agent logs.

Apologies for not replying back.

I’ve installed the cni on my mac following these steps:

cd /opt/bin/cni
sudo curl -LO
sudo tar -xvf cni-plugins-linux-arm64-v1.5.1.tgz

so, I believe it is 1.5.1

Also the nomad-log

==> Loaded configuration from local_setup/agent.hcl
==> Starting Nomad agent...
==> Nomad agent configuration:

       Advertise Addrs: HTTP:; RPC:; Serf:
            Bind Addrs: HTTP: []; RPC:; Serf:
                Client: true
             Log Level: DEBUG
               Node Id: 5de325c9-758a-0b16-8669-64780e46e70f
                Region: global (DC: dc1)
                Server: true
               Version: 1.8.2

==> Nomad agent started! Log data will stream in below:

    2024-08-28T18:18:17.471+0530 [DEBUG] nomad: issuer not set; OIDC Discovery endpoint for workload identities disabled
    2024-08-28T18:18:17.472+0530 [INFO]  nomad.raft: initial configuration: index=1 servers="[{Suffrage:Voter ID:8c7d5e41-8971-b3af-fb2a-0cb9fa62e276 Address:}]"
    2024-08-28T18:18:17.472+0530 [INFO]  nomad.raft: entering follower state: follower="Node at [Follower]" leader-address= leader-id=
    2024-08-28T18:18:17.473+0530 [INFO]  nomad: serf: EventMemberJoin:
    2024-08-28T18:18:17.473+0530 [INFO]  nomad: starting scheduling worker(s): num_workers=8 schedulers=["batch", "system", "sysbatch", "service", "_core"]
    2024-08-28T18:18:17.473+0530 [DEBUG] nomad: started scheduling worker: id=30dfcdcd-c852-c261-38b9-c0d821fc5400 index=1 of=8
    2024-08-28T18:18:17.473+0530 [DEBUG] nomad: started scheduling worker: id=34a5a070-189f-5300-2959-4ffb79a297d1 index=2 of=8
    2024-08-28T18:18:17.473+0530 [DEBUG] nomad: started scheduling worker: id=8f3b791d-8312-3b1b-376c-bc40b252ca09 index=3 of=8
    2024-08-28T18:18:17.473+0530 [DEBUG] nomad: started scheduling worker: id=e9014c54-5717-44a4-b1ec-36909ac64160 index=4 of=8
    2024-08-28T18:18:17.473+0530 [DEBUG] worker: running: worker_id=34a5a070-189f-5300-2959-4ffb79a297d1
    2024-08-28T18:18:17.473+0530 [DEBUG] worker: running: worker_id=30dfcdcd-c852-c261-38b9-c0d821fc5400
    2024-08-28T18:18:17.473+0530 [DEBUG] worker: running: worker_id=19fd80a7-2baf-261f-74e4-3867ccf24c7a
    2024-08-28T18:18:17.473+0530 [DEBUG] nomad: started scheduling worker: id=19fd80a7-2baf-261f-74e4-3867ccf24c7a index=5 of=8
    2024-08-28T18:18:17.473+0530 [DEBUG] nomad: started scheduling worker: id=fe1c55a6-76fa-a3d9-6c06-dd10e837e070 index=6 of=8
    2024-08-28T18:18:17.473+0530 [DEBUG] nomad: started scheduling worker: id=acfe3348-ac93-d7d3-fae1-0da8e4fc83f6 index=7 of=8
    2024-08-28T18:18:17.473+0530 [DEBUG] nomad: started scheduling worker: id=c1fcd1dd-e6fb-7578-1edc-0bfd8ac87e56 index=8 of=8
    2024-08-28T18:18:17.473+0530 [INFO]  nomad: started scheduling worker(s): num_workers=8 schedulers=["batch", "system", "sysbatch", "service", "_core"]
    2024-08-28T18:18:17.473+0530 [DEBUG] worker: running: worker_id=acfe3348-ac93-d7d3-fae1-0da8e4fc83f6
    2024-08-28T18:18:17.473+0530 [DEBUG] worker: running: worker_id=fe1c55a6-76fa-a3d9-6c06-dd10e837e070
    2024-08-28T18:18:17.473+0530 [DEBUG] worker: running: worker_id=c1fcd1dd-e6fb-7578-1edc-0bfd8ac87e56
    2024-08-28T18:18:17.473+0530 [DEBUG] nomad.keyring.replicator: starting encryption key replication
    2024-08-28T18:18:17.473+0530 [DEBUG] worker: running: worker_id=e9014c54-5717-44a4-b1ec-36909ac64160
    2024-08-28T18:18:17.473+0530 [DEBUG] worker: running: worker_id=8f3b791d-8312-3b1b-376c-bc40b252ca09
    2024-08-28T18:18:17.473+0530 [INFO]  nomad: adding server: server=" (Addr: (DC: dc1)"
    2024-08-28T18:18:17.473+0530 [WARN]  agent.plugin_loader: skipping external plugins since plugin_dir doesn't exist: plugin_dir=/opt/nomad/data/plugins
    2024-08-28T18:18:17.474+0530 [DEBUG] agent.plugin_loader.docker: using client connection initialized from environment: plugin_dir=/opt/nomad/data/plugins
    2024-08-28T18:18:17.474+0530 [INFO]  agent: detected plugin: name=docker type=driver plugin_version=0.1.0
    2024-08-28T18:18:17.474+0530 [INFO]  agent: detected plugin: name=raw_exec type=driver plugin_version=0.1.0
    2024-08-28T18:18:17.474+0530 [INFO]  agent: detected plugin: name=exec type=driver plugin_version=0.1.0
    2024-08-28T18:18:17.474+0530 [INFO]  agent: detected plugin: name=qemu type=driver plugin_version=0.1.0
    2024-08-28T18:18:17.474+0530 [INFO]  agent: detected plugin: name=java type=driver plugin_version=0.1.0
    2024-08-28T18:18:17.474+0530 [INFO]  client: using state directory: state_dir=/opt/nomad/data/client
    2024-08-28T18:18:17.474+0530 [INFO]  client: using alloc directory: alloc_dir=/opt/nomad/data/alloc
    2024-08-28T18:18:17.474+0530 [INFO]  client: using dynamic ports: min=20000 max=32000 reserved=""
    2024-08-28T18:18:17.494+0530 [DEBUG] client.fingerprint_mgr: built-in fingerprints: fingerprinters=["arch", "cni", "consul", "cpu", "host", "landlock", "memory", "network", "nomad", "plugins_cni", "signal", "storage", "vault", "env_aws", "env_gce", "env_azure", "env_digitalocean"]
    2024-08-28T18:18:17.494+0530 [DEBUG] client.fingerprint_mgr: CNI config dir is not set or does not exist, skipping: cni_config_dir=/opt/cni/config
    2024-08-28T18:18:18.993+0530 [WARN]  nomad.raft: heartbeat timeout reached, starting election: last-leader-addr= last-leader-id=
    2024-08-28T18:18:18.993+0530 [INFO]  nomad.raft: entering candidate state: node="Node at [Candidate]" term=2
    2024-08-28T18:18:18.993+0530 [DEBUG] nomad.raft: voting for self: term=2 id=8c7d5e41-8971-b3af-fb2a-0cb9fa62e276
    2024-08-28T18:18:18.993+0530 [DEBUG] nomad.raft: calculated votes needed: needed=1 term=2
    2024-08-28T18:18:18.993+0530 [DEBUG] nomad.raft: vote granted: from=8c7d5e41-8971-b3af-fb2a-0cb9fa62e276 term=2 tally=1
    2024-08-28T18:18:18.993+0530 [INFO]  nomad.raft: election won: term=2 tally=1
    2024-08-28T18:18:18.993+0530 [INFO]  nomad.raft: entering leader state: leader="Node at [Leader]"
    2024-08-28T18:18:18.993+0530 [INFO]  nomad: cluster leadership acquired
    2024-08-28T18:18:18.997+0530 [DEBUG] nomad.autopilot: autopilot is now running
    2024-08-28T18:18:18.997+0530 [DEBUG] nomad.autopilot: state update routine is now running
    2024-08-28T18:18:18.997+0530 [INFO]  nomad.core: established cluster id: cluster_id=56ba365f-9573-b940-3cf0-1473f117acc2 create_time=1724849298997658000
    2024-08-28T18:18:18.997+0530 [INFO]  nomad: eval broker status modified: paused=false
    2024-08-28T18:18:18.997+0530 [INFO]  nomad: blocked evals status modified: paused=false
    2024-08-28T18:18:19.141+0530 [INFO]  nomad.keyring: initialized keyring: id=226f96c8-7998-e9c8-9276-15d2d31e2fb5
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.495+0530 [DEBUG] client.fingerprint_mgr.cpu: detected CPU model: name="Apple M1"
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.495+0530 [DEBUG] client.fingerprint_mgr.cpu: detected CPU efficiency core speed: mhz=2064
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.495+0530 [DEBUG] client.fingerprint_mgr.cpu: detected CPU performance core speed: mhz=3204
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.495+0530 [DEBUG] client.fingerprint_mgr.cpu: detected CPU efficiency core count: cores=4
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.495+0530 [DEBUG] client.fingerprint_mgr.cpu: detected CPU performance core count: cores=4
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.495+0530 [DEBUG] client.fingerprint_mgr.cpu: detected CPU core count: cores=8
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.495+0530 [DEBUG] client.fingerprint_mgr: fingerprinting periodically: fingerprinter=consul initial_period=15s
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.541+0530 [WARN]  client.fingerprint_mgr.landlock: failed to fingerprint kernel landlock feature: error="landlock not supported on this platform"
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.541+0530 [DEBUG] link speed could not be detected and no speed specified by user, falling back to default speed: interface=lo0 mbits=1000
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.541+0530 [DEBUG] detected interface IP: interface=lo0 IP=
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.541+0530 [DEBUG] detected interface IP: interface=lo0 IP=::1
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.542+0530 [DEBUG] link speed could not be detected, falling back to default speed: interface=lo0 mbits=1000
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.542+0530 [DEBUG] link speed could not be detected, falling back to default speed: interface=gif0 mbits=1000
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.542+0530 [DEBUG] link speed could not be detected, falling back to default speed: interface=stf0 mbits=1000
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.542+0530 [DEBUG] link speed could not be detected, falling back to default speed: interface=anpi1 mbits=1000
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.542+0530 [DEBUG] link speed could not be detected, falling back to default speed: interface=anpi0 mbits=1000
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.542+0530 [DEBUG] link speed could not be detected, falling back to default speed: interface=en3 mbits=1000
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.542+0530 [DEBUG] link speed could not be detected, falling back to default speed: interface=en4 mbits=1000
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.542+0530 [DEBUG] link speed could not be detected, falling back to default speed: interface=en1 mbits=1000
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.542+0530 [DEBUG] link speed could not be detected, falling back to default speed: interface=en2 mbits=1000
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.542+0530 [DEBUG] link speed could not be detected, falling back to default speed: interface=bridge0 mbits=1000
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.542+0530 [DEBUG] link speed could not be detected, falling back to default speed: interface=ap1 mbits=1000
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.542+0530 [DEBUG] link speed could not be detected, falling back to default speed: interface=en0 mbits=1000
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.542+0530 [DEBUG] link speed could not be detected, falling back to default speed: interface=awdl0 mbits=1000
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.542+0530 [DEBUG] link speed could not be detected, falling back to default speed: interface=llw0 mbits=1000
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.542+0530 [DEBUG] link speed could not be detected, falling back to default speed: interface=utun0 mbits=1000
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.542+0530 [DEBUG] link speed could not be detected, falling back to default speed: interface=utun1 mbits=1000
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.542+0530 [DEBUG] link speed could not be detected, falling back to default speed: interface=utun2 mbits=1000
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.542+0530 [DEBUG] link speed could not be detected, falling back to default speed: interface=utun3 mbits=1000
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.542+0530 [DEBUG] link speed could not be detected, falling back to default speed: interface=utun4 mbits=1000
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.542+0530 [DEBUG] client.fingerprint_mgr.cni_plugins: unexpected non-executable in cni plugin directory: name=LICENSE
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.542+0530 [DEBUG] client.fingerprint_mgr.cni_plugins: unexpected non-executable in cni plugin directory:
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.543+0530 [DEBUG] client.fingerprint_mgr.cni_plugins: failed to detect CNI plugin version: name=bandwidth error="fork/exec /opt/cni/bin/bandwidth: exec format error"
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.544+0530 [DEBUG] client.fingerprint_mgr.cni_plugins: failed to detect CNI plugin version: name=bridge error="fork/exec /opt/cni/bin/bridge: exec format error"
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.544+0530 [DEBUG] client.fingerprint_mgr.cni_plugins: unexpected non-executable in cni plugin directory: name=cni-plugins-linux-arm64-v1.5.1.tgz
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.545+0530 [DEBUG] client.fingerprint_mgr.cni_plugins: failed to detect CNI plugin version: name=dhcp error="fork/exec /opt/cni/bin/dhcp: exec format error"
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.546+0530 [DEBUG] client.fingerprint_mgr.cni_plugins: failed to detect CNI plugin version: name=dummy error="fork/exec /opt/cni/bin/dummy: exec format error"
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.547+0530 [DEBUG] client.fingerprint_mgr.cni_plugins: failed to detect CNI plugin version: name=firewall error="fork/exec /opt/cni/bin/firewall: exec format error"
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.548+0530 [DEBUG] client.fingerprint_mgr.cni_plugins: failed to detect CNI plugin version: name=host-device error="fork/exec /opt/cni/bin/host-device: exec format error"
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.549+0530 [DEBUG] client.fingerprint_mgr.cni_plugins: failed to detect CNI plugin version: name=host-local error="fork/exec /opt/cni/bin/host-local: exec format error"
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.550+0530 [DEBUG] client.fingerprint_mgr.cni_plugins: failed to detect CNI plugin version: name=ipvlan error="fork/exec /opt/cni/bin/ipvlan: exec format error"
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.550+0530 [DEBUG] client.fingerprint_mgr.cni_plugins: failed to detect CNI plugin version: name=loopback error="fork/exec /opt/cni/bin/loopback: exec format error"
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.551+0530 [DEBUG] client.fingerprint_mgr.cni_plugins: failed to detect CNI plugin version: name=macvlan error="fork/exec /opt/cni/bin/macvlan: exec format error"
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.552+0530 [DEBUG] client.fingerprint_mgr.cni_plugins: failed to detect CNI plugin version: name=portmap error="fork/exec /opt/cni/bin/portmap: exec format error"
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.553+0530 [DEBUG] client.fingerprint_mgr.cni_plugins: failed to detect CNI plugin version: name=ptp error="fork/exec /opt/cni/bin/ptp: exec format error"
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.554+0530 [DEBUG] client.fingerprint_mgr.cni_plugins: failed to detect CNI plugin version: name=sbr error="fork/exec /opt/cni/bin/sbr: exec format error"
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.555+0530 [DEBUG] client.fingerprint_mgr.cni_plugins: failed to detect CNI plugin version: name=static error="fork/exec /opt/cni/bin/static: exec format error"
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.556+0530 [DEBUG] client.fingerprint_mgr.cni_plugins: failed to detect CNI plugin version: name=tap error="fork/exec /opt/cni/bin/tap: exec format error"
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.556+0530 [DEBUG] client.fingerprint_mgr.cni_plugins: failed to detect CNI plugin version: name=tuning error="fork/exec /opt/cni/bin/tuning: exec format error"
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.557+0530 [DEBUG] client.fingerprint_mgr.cni_plugins: failed to detect CNI plugin version: name=vlan error="fork/exec /opt/cni/bin/vlan: exec format error"
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.558+0530 [DEBUG] client.fingerprint_mgr.cni_plugins: failed to detect CNI plugin version: name=vrf error="fork/exec /opt/cni/bin/vrf: exec format error"
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.561+0530 [DEBUG] client.fingerprint_mgr: fingerprinting periodically: fingerprinter=vault initial_period=15s
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.565+0530 [DEBUG] client.fingerprint_mgr.env_gce: could not read value for attribute: attribute=machine-type error="Get \"\": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)"
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.565+0530 [DEBUG] client.fingerprint_mgr.env_gce: error querying GCE Metadata URL, skipping
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.566+0530 [DEBUG] client.fingerprint_mgr.env_azure: could not read value for attribute: attribute=compute/azEnvironment error="Get \"\": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)"
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.567+0530 [DEBUG] client.fingerprint_mgr.env_digitalocean: failed to request metadata: attribute=region error="Get \"\": dial tcp i/o timeout (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)"
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.567+0530 [DEBUG] client.fingerprint_mgr: detected fingerprints: node_attrs=["arch", "cpu", "host", "network", "nomad", "plugins_cni", "signal", "storage"]
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.567+0530 [INFO]  client.plugin: starting plugin manager: plugin-type=csi
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.567+0530 [INFO]  client.plugin: starting plugin manager: plugin-type=driver
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.567+0530 [INFO]  client.plugin: starting plugin manager: plugin-type=device
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.567+0530 [DEBUG] client.device_mgr: exiting since there are no device plugins
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.567+0530 [DEBUG] client.driver_mgr: initial driver fingerprint: driver=exec health=undetected description="exec driver unsupported on client OS"
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.568+0530 [DEBUG] client.plugin: waiting on plugin manager initial fingerprint: plugin-type=driver
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.568+0530 [DEBUG] client.driver_mgr.docker: using client connection initialized from environment: driver=docker
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.568+0530 [DEBUG] client.driver_mgr: initial driver fingerprint: driver=qemu health=undetected description=""
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.568+0530 [DEBUG] client.plugin: waiting on plugin manager initial fingerprint: plugin-type=device
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.568+0530 [DEBUG] client.driver_mgr: initial driver fingerprint: driver=raw_exec health=healthy description=Healthy
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.568+0530 [DEBUG] client.plugin: finished plugin manager initial fingerprint: plugin-type=device
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.569+0530 [DEBUG] client.server_mgr: new server list: new_servers=[,] old_servers=[]
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.582+0530 [DEBUG] client.driver_mgr: initial driver fingerprint: driver=docker health=healthy description=Healthy
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.615+0530 [DEBUG] client.driver_mgr: initial driver fingerprint: driver=java health=healthy description=Healthy
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.615+0530 [DEBUG] client.driver_mgr: detected drivers: drivers="map[healthy:[raw_exec docker java] undetected:[exec qemu]]"
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.615+0530 [DEBUG] client.plugin: finished plugin manager initial fingerprint: plugin-type=driver
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.615+0530 [INFO]  client: started client: node_id=ec3533f0-2191-104d-b8b3-bdfee2931bd0
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.615+0530 [DEBUG] http: UI is enabled
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.616+0530 [DEBUG] client.server_mgr: new server list: new_servers=[] old_servers=[,]
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.616+0530 [INFO]  client: node registration complete
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.616+0530 [DEBUG] http: UI is enabled
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.616+0530 [DEBUG] client: updated allocations: index=1 total=0 pulled=0 filtered=0
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.616+0530 [DEBUG] client: allocation updates: added=0 removed=0 updated=0 ignored=0
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.616+0530 [DEBUG] client: allocation updates applied: added=0 removed=0 updated=0 ignored=0 errors=0
    2024-08-28T18:18:22.616+0530 [DEBUG] client: state updated: node_status=ready
    2024-08-28T18:18:23.032+0530 [DEBUG] http: request complete: method=GET path=/v1/services duration=2.3815ms
    2024-08-28T18:18:23.617+0530 [DEBUG] client: state changed, updating node and re-registering
    2024-08-28T18:18:23.619+0530 [INFO]  client: node registration complete
    2024-08-28T18:18:26.454+0530 [DEBUG] http: request complete: method=GET path=/v1/namespaces duration="364.583µs"
    2024-08-28T18:18:27.669+0530 [DEBUG] http: request complete: method=GET path="/v1/jobs/statuses?filter=&namespace=%2A&per_page=25" duration="308.5µs"
    2024-08-28T18:18:27.675+0530 [DEBUG] http: request complete: method=GET path=/v1/namespaces duration="171.791µs"
    2024-08-28T18:18:27.676+0530 [DEBUG] http: request complete: method=GET path=/v1/node/pools duration="371.875µs"
    2024-08-28T18:18:28.538+0530 [DEBUG] http: request complete: method=GET path=/v1/regions duration="142.833µs"
    2024-08-28T18:18:28.550+0530 [DEBUG] http: request failed: method=GET path=/v1/acl/token/self error="RPC Error:: 400,ACL support disabled" code=400
    2024-08-28T18:18:28.550+0530 [DEBUG] http: request complete: method=GET path=/v1/acl/token/self duration="302.167µs"
    2024-08-28T18:18:28.553+0530 [DEBUG] http: request complete: method=GET path=/v1/operator/license duration="2.833µs"
    2024-08-28T18:18:28.553+0530 [DEBUG] http: request complete: method=GET path=/v1/agent/members duration="133.958µs"
    2024-08-28T18:18:28.554+0530 [DEBUG] http: request complete: method=POST path=/v1/search/fuzzy duration="448.625µs"
    2024-08-28T18:18:28.557+0530 [DEBUG] http: request complete: method=GET path="/v1/jobs/statuses?filter=&namespace=%2A&per_page=25" duration="79.375µs"
    2024-08-28T18:18:28.563+0530 [DEBUG] http: request complete: method=GET path=/v1/agent/self duration="641.5µs"
    2024-08-28T18:18:28.594+0530 [DEBUG] http: request complete: method=GET path=/v1/node/pools duration="332.708µs"
    2024-08-28T18:18:28.594+0530 [DEBUG] http: request complete: method=GET path=/v1/namespaces duration="325.875µs"
==> Newer Nomad version available: 1.8.3 (currently running: 1.8.2)
    2024-08-28T18:18:38.030+0530 [DEBUG] http: request complete: method=GET path=/v1/services duration="545.25µs"
    2024-08-28T18:18:53.030+0530 [DEBUG] http: request complete: method=GET path=/v1/services duration="547.166µs"
    2024-08-28T18:18:57.116+0530 [DEBUG] http: request complete: method=GET path=/v1/namespaces duration="331.167µs"
    2024-08-28T18:19:04.964+0530 [DEBUG] http: request failed: method=GET path=/v1/job/llm-generation error="job not found" code=404
    2024-08-28T18:19:04.964+0530 [DEBUG] http: request complete: method=GET path=/v1/job/llm-generation duration="203.125µs"
    2024-08-28T18:19:04.971+0530 [DEBUG] http: request complete: method=POST path=/v1/jobs/parse duration=1.028833ms
    2024-08-28T18:19:04.974+0530 [DEBUG] worker: dequeued evaluation: worker_id=acfe3348-ac93-d7d3-fae1-0da8e4fc83f6 eval_id=c98f560f-8250-3eb1-1f85-142a3e33d0d2 type=service namespace=default job_id=llm-generation node_id="" triggered_by=job-register
    2024-08-28T18:19:04.974+0530 [DEBUG] http: request complete: method=GET path="/v1/jobs/statuses?filter=&namespace=%2A&per_page=25&index=1" duration=37.295121042s
    2024-08-28T18:19:04.974+0530 [DEBUG] http: request complete: method=POST path=/v1/jobs duration=1.295709ms
    2024-08-28T18:19:04.974+0530 [DEBUG] http: request complete: method=GET path="/v1/jobs/statuses?filter=&namespace=%2A&per_page=25&index=1" duration=36.375983583s
    2024-08-28T18:19:04.974+0530 [DEBUG] worker.service_sched: reconciled current state with desired state: eval_id=c98f560f-8250-3eb1-1f85-142a3e33d0d2 job_id=llm-generation namespace=default worker_id=acfe3348-ac93-d7d3-fae1-0da8e4fc83f6
  | Total changes: (place 1) (destructive 0) (inplace 0) (stop 0) (disconnect 0) (reconnect 0)
  | Created Deployment: "701e1668-288c-0baa-816b-dfb2cf97a872"
  | Desired Changes for "generation": (place 1) (inplace 0) (destructive 0) (stop 0) (migrate 0) (ignore 0) (canary 0)

I also tried to build the plugins from the repo itself

git clone
cd plugins/
sudo mv bin/* /opt/cni/bin

Still I am getting the same error

Cni plugins are executables, they fail in the logs with “exec fornat error”. I guess you installed something for linux but you are on mac or something like that similar.

yes, I am on mac.

should I install any other variant of cni ?

uname -m



I think yes, try executing
/opt/cni/bin/bridge and check



bash: /opt/cni/bin/bridge: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error

Hi. See? The file format is invalid for your system. As again, you installed linux files, you are not on linux. I know nothing about mac, i think mac architecture is called darwin. Try googling the error.

Thank you the help.
I’ll try all CNIs available and update the thread here.

so, cni specification only targets linux.
Ref: CNI issue while running nomad on mac · Issue #23888 · hashicorp/nomad · GitHub

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