Possible bug in Snowflake provider: no schema available for snowflake_account_grant while reading state

We use terraform to deploy resources to Snowflake using Snowflake terraform provider. I am trying to upgrade provider version and am getting errors when I do so:

Error: no schema available for snowflake_account_grant.resource_name while reading state; this is a bug in Terraform and should be reported
Error: no schema available for snowflake_grant_privileges_to_role.resurce_name while reading state; this is a bug in Terraform and should be reported

The error states that it is a bug in terraform but I am skeptical that that is actually the case as I shall now explain.

I have 14 errors of the form:

Error: no schema available for <snowflake_resource_type>.<snowflake_resource_name> while reading state; this is a bug in Terraform and should be reported

8 of the errors are for resource type snowflake_account_grant
5 of the errors are for resource type snowflake_grant_privileges_to_role
1 of the errors is for resource type snowflake_role_grants

that I am getting when running terraform plan. However, immediately prior to that there are 14 warnings in the plan of the form:

│ Warning: Missing resource schema from provider
│No resource schema found for <snowflake_resource_type> when decoding prior

8 of the warnings are for resource type snowflake_account_grant
5 of the warnings are for resource type snowflake_grant_privileges_to_role
1 of the warnings is for resource type snowflake_role_grants

The change that I am making is to remove 8 resources of type snowflake_account_grant, 5 of type snowflake_grant_privileges_to_role and 1 of type snowflake_role_grants. The reason I am removing them is that I am trying to upgrade the provider to the most recent version, 0.94.1, from a much older version, 0.68.2

and in version 0.93.0 those resource types have been removed, see Snowflake’s announcement of the deprecation at [❄️ Snowflake Official] The removal of deprecated grant resources · Snowflake-Labs/terraform-provider-snowflake · Discussion #2736 · GitHub.

Hence I am trying to follow their migration guide and replace the removed resources with their newer counterparts. Hence I have removed code like this:

resource "snowflake_account_grant" "monitor_task_execution" {
  provider  = snowflake.acc
  privilege = "MONITOR EXECUTION"
  roles = [

and replaced it with:

# remove the old resource from the state file
removed {
  from = snowflake_account_grant.monitor_task_execution
  lifecycle {
    destroy = false
# define the new resource block
locals {
  monitor_task_execution_roles = toset([
resource "snowflake_grant_privileges_to_account_role" "monitor_task_execution" {
  for_each          = local.monitor_task_execution_roles
  provider          = snowflake.acc
  account_role_name = "\"${each.key}\""
  privileges        = ["MONITOR EXECUTION"]
  with_grant_option = false
  on_account        = true
# import the already-existing resources to my state file
import {
  for_each = local.monitor_task_execution_roles
  to       = snowflake_grant_privileges_to_account_role.monitor_task_execution[each.key]
  id       = "\"${each.key}\"|false|false|MONITOR EXECUTION|OnAccount"

The warning

│ Warning: Missing resource schema from provider
│No resource schema found for <snowflake_resource_type> when decoding prior

Makes me think that this is a problem with the provider rather than a bug in terraform which is what the error suggests.

So, why am I here? Basically I’m hoping someone can confirm my suspicion that this is indeed not a terraform bug and in fact I should be raising an issue at GitHub - Snowflake-Labs/terraform-provider-snowflake: Terraform provider for managing Snowflake accounts

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Actually I’ve just gone ahead and raised it at [Bug]: Possible bug in Snowflake provider: No schema available for snowflake_role_grants while reading state · Issue #2989 · Snowflake-Labs/terraform-provider-snowflake · GitHub and have provided a repro too.