Preserve map-like values when read from an input file

My use case is to read from a dynamic env file a mix of string literals and var.* to pass them as env variables, however, I can’t preserve them like var.region becomes "var.region" (string literal) after parsing them.
Is there a much better way to preserve such so they can be interpolated when reading from an input file?

Env file:


environment_variables = { for k, v in toset(split("\n", file("${path.module}/lambda/${each.key}/environment_variables"))) : trim(split("=", k)[0], "\"") => trim(split("=", k)[1], "\"") }


Plan output:

      + environment {
          + variables = {
              + "FOO"    = "bar"
              + "REGION" = "var.region"

Required plan output:

      + environment {
          + variables = {
              + "FOO"    = "bar"
              + "REGION" = "eu-west-2"  #interpolated by var.region

Terraform does not support that.

You will need to move your environment variable definitions into actual native .tf files, in the Terraform language, rather than loading them from a different text format using string manipulation.

Cracked it.
With a bit of using locals{} and lookup(), I can pass both interpolated vars and literal strings. The key to lookup() value is assign a unique-enough keyword like lookup_ (could be as unique as you like), so it’s developer/user friendly when scaling instances of the module.

TF config:

locals {
  lookup_map = {
    lookup_region         = var.region
    lookup_ddb_table_name =

  environment_variables = {
    for k, v in each.value["environment_variables"] : k => lookup(local.lookup_map, v, v)

variable "api_names" {
  description = "(Optional) Map of API names in Appsync data source"
  type        = map(any)
  default     = {}


api_names = {
  create_foo = {
    field_name = "createFoo"
    type_name  = "Mutation"
    environment_variables = {
      REGION                = "lookup_region"
      foo                   = "bar"
      TABLE                 = "lookup_ddb_table_name"

TF plan output:

      + environment {
          + variables = {
              + "REGION"     = "eu-west-2" #interpolated from lookup_map
              + "foo"        = "bar"
              + "TABLE"      = "baz-ddb-table" #interpolated from lookup_map

Now, I can just reuse/repeat the module using for_each, happy days!