Problem with access to the output variable

Hi, guys

Terraform v0.13.6

I have problem with accessing deeply defined output variable.

output "server" {
  value = vsphere_virtual_machine.server

module "bs" {
  for_each = var.backup_server
  source   = "../vsphere_server"

output "bs" {
  value =
output "ds" {
  value = module.ds
output "hv" {
  value = module.hv
module "vsphere" {
  source = "../terraform-modules/vsphere_backend"

Here is PROBLEM can’t read module.vsphere

module "cloud_configure" {
  source = "../terraform-modules/cloud_configuration"

  cloud_backend = module.vsphere

But in state all fine :

      "module": "[\"tfbs11is\"]",
      "mode": "managed",
      "type": "vsphere_virtual_machine",
      "name": "server",
      "provider": "provider[\"\"]",
      "instances": [

And output fine too:

output "vsphere" {
  value = module.vsphere

vsphere = {
  "bs" = {
    "tfbs11is" = {
      "server" = {
  "ds" = {}
  "hv" = {}