Problem with cert in Consul Engine

Hello everyone, i am newbie in vault. I have a 1 nodes with Vault and 1 nodes with Consul which working using TLS on 1 host. I used vault pki engine for this and i want to enable consul engine in Vault for generate consul token i make which showed in this guide:

Consul - Secrets Engines | Vault | HashiCorp Developer

Besides in command vault write consul/config/access/ added parameters for configure tls connections:
*certificates which vault using to connect with consul

When i try read credentials i got a message:

vault read consul/creds/apache
Error reading from: consul/creds/apache.
URL: /v1/consul/creds/apache
Code: 500
1 error occurred:
* tls: failed to find any PEM data in certificate input

Maybe i incorrectly added cert in config consul engine? I tried added in string format but got the same mistake.

I had the same problem.

Look at this issue: