Hello Guys
I’m trying to configure vso on kubernetes cluster using Use local token as reviewer JWT
Which is described there : The Vault Secrets Operator on Kubernetes | Vault | HashiCorp Developer
I did everything (i think) but in my vso logs i can see only errors:
ERROR Reconciler error {“controller”: “vaultstaticsecret”, “controllerGroup”: “secrets.hashicorp.com”, “controllerKind”: “VaultStaticSecret”, “VaultStaticSecret”: {“name”:“vault-kv-app”,“namespace”:“apps”}, “namespace”: “apps”, “name”: “vault-kv-app”, “reconcileID”:
URL: PUT xxx/v1/auth/kubernetes/login
Code: 403. Errors:* permission denied {“type”: “Warning”, “object”: {“kind”:“VaultStaticSecret”,“namespace”:“apps”,“name”:“vault-kv-app”
I cannot really tell where the problem lies.
I don’t know if i understand correctly but in this scenario Use local token as reviewer JWT client(kubernetes) should user on this case default serivce account in certain namespace to authenicate into vault.