Propagating secret metadata to k8s secret objects


Is it possible out of the box to get the secret metadata from Vault secrets populated on the k8s secrets themselves? For instance, an annotation of last-updated showing up on the k8s secret.

Hi @acraig - I think so, but struggling to find examples. Looking at the docs it does seem to suggest this is possible, but have not tried it myself:

Interesting. I’m using ESO rather than VSO (seems like there’s a difference) so I can’t test this that easily

I am not familar with using ESO, but thanks for sharing your set up - going to spend some time reading about it.

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Hey - I tried the above page, but im getting an empty value for metadata.


      text: |
        abc-user-id: {{ get .Metadata "abc-user-id" }}
        abc-user-email: {{ get .Metadata "abc-user-email" }}

in my vaultstaticsecret.spec.destination