Provider configurion from sub module

Hey there,
Im trying to create a vault pipeline test that well test with test assertions vault deployment.
I have 2 modules one is vault deployment from helm chart, the second is vault configuration.
I have a sub module for vault deployment (called vault_test) and the vault config module (called vault-config).
My main issue is passing the vault token from one submodule to the other submodule using the root provider configuration.
i have an output vault_token from vault_test module.

module "vault_test" {
  source                 = ""
  dns_zone_id            = local.dns_zone_id
  aws_account_id         = local.aws_account_id
  prefix                 = local.prefix
  environment            = local.environment
  region                 = local.region
  oidc_provider          = local.oidc_provider
  oidc_arn               = local.oidc_arn
  vault_enabled          = true
  vault_replicas         = 1
  vault_namespace        = local.vault_namespace
  vault_version          = "0.19.0"
  vault_node_selector    = "stateless"
  vault_tls_disabled     = false
  ingress_internal_classname = local.ingress_internal_classname
  basename                  = local.basename
  if_test                   = local.if_test

module "vault-config-test" {
  source                = "../../"
  environment           = local.environment
  github_token          = "github"
  vault_token           = local.vault_token
  basename              = local.basename
  vault_namespace       = local.vault_namespace
  vault_addr            = local.vault_addr
  depends_on            = [module.vault_test]

provider "vault" {
  address          = "vault-0.vault-internal:8200"
  skip_tls_verify  = true
  max_retries      = 4
  token            = module.vault_test.vault_token
  skip_child_token = true

when i try to apply i get this error:

│ Error: no vault token found
│   with module.vault-config-test.provider[""],
│   on ../../ line 1, in provider "vault":
│    1: provider "vault" {

Is this possible to pass the vault token from one submodule to the other?

is there anything new regarding this issue?

It’s not possible, because Terraform doesn’t support providers requiring data not available until after apply as configuration.