Provisioner shell script does not execute when execute_command is present


Your help is needed as documentation for execute_command is not helping so far.

It is observed that whenever provisioner shell script is specified along with execute_command then script is not executing but execute_command does get execute.

Reproduction Steps

  • TestCase-1: Without execute_command in ami.json
    Below is excerpt of ami.json
    “provisioners”: [
    “type”: “shell”,
    “script”: “scripts/cb/”,
    “environment_vars”: [
    “CI_JOB_TOKEN={{user CI_JOB_TOKEN }}”,
    “PACKER_RPM_NAME={{user packer_rpm_name }}”
    Result : Instance launched using TestCase-1’s AMI shows that script ‘’ is executed successfully by Provisioner.

  • TestCase-2: With execute_command in ami.json
    Below is excerpt of ami.json
    “provisioners”: [
    “type”: “shell”,
    “script”: “scripts/cb/”,
    “environment_vars”: [
    “CI_JOB_TOKEN={{user CI_JOB_TOKEN }}”,
    “PACKER_RPM_NAME={{user packer_rpm_name }}”
    “execute_command”: “echo ‘packer’ > /home/centos/a.out”
    Result : Instance launched using TestCase-2’s AMI shows that script ‘’ is not executed by Provisioner. But execute_command is executed successfully.