Public NLB different behaviour when created using Terragrunt

We are using a public NLB as our (private) SMTP servers endpoint (port 25). We have Source Header Preservation Enabled and we have been using this NLB since our Production migration, without any issues.

When we create it using Terraform/Terragrunt we can’t establish a connection from the Internet (for instance on port 25) but the Health check is OK.

Both NLBs seem the same but in the terraform one the backend sets are added as IP addresses and without Availability Domain information. This seems to be the only visible difference but after changing it manually (to match the functioning/manually created NLB) the problem persists.

Software versions:
Terraform v0.12.31
Terragrunt v0.23.27
OCI Terraform provider 4.37.0

Configuration files:

terraform {
  source = format("git::ssh://", local.moduls_git_tag)

include {
  path = find_in_parent_folders("root-terragrunt.hcl")

inputs = {
  is_private = false
  preserve_source_ip = true
  reserved_ips_OCID = ""

  backend_sets = [
    { name = "smtp", protocol = "TCP", port = 25, retries = 3, return_code = 200, url_path = "/", policy = "FIVE_TUPLE"},

  backends = [
    { backendset_name = "smtp",    ip_address = "X.X.X.X", port = 25},
    { backendset_name = "smtp",    ip_address = "Y.Y.Y.Y", port = 25},

  listeners = [
    { backendset_name = "smtp", name = "SMTP", port =  25, protocol = "TCP"},


    source = "../../components/network_loadbalancer"

    is_private = var.is_private
    reserved_ips_OCID = var.reserved_ips_OCID
    backend_sets = var.backend_sets
    backends = var.backends
    listeners = var.listeners
    preserve_source_destination = var.preserve_source_ip


# Create a Backend-Set
resource "oci_network_load_balancer_backend_set" "backend_sets" {
    count = length (var.backend_sets)

    health_checker {
        protocol = var.backend_sets[count.index].protocol
        port = var.backend_sets[count.index].port
        retries = var.backend_sets[count.index].retries
        return_code = var.backend_sets[count.index].return_code
        url_path = var.backend_sets[count.index].url_path
    network_load_balancer_id =
    name = var.backend_sets[count.index].name
    policy = var.backend_sets[count.index].policy

# Add Backends (Servers) to Backend-Set
resource "oci_network_load_balancer_backend" "backends" {
    count = length (var.backends)

    backend_set_name = var.backends[count.index].backendset_name
    ip_address = var.backends[count.index].ip_address
    network_load_balancer_id =
    port = var.backends[count.index].port    

    depends_on = [oci_network_load_balancer_backend_set.backend_sets]

# Add Listener
resource "oci_network_load_balancer_listener" "listener" {
    count = length (var.listeners)

    default_backend_set_name = var.listeners[count.index].backendset_name
    network_load_balancer_id =
    name = var.listeners[count.index].name
    port = var.listeners[count.index].port
    protocol = var.listeners[count.index].protocol
    depends_on = [oci_network_load_balancer_backend.backends]

I have created GitHub/terraform-provider-oci issue #1427 (Public NLB different behaviour when created using Terragrunt · Issue #1427 · terraform-providers/terraform-provider-oci · GitHub), in case it’s a bug.

If it’s not, help understanding what I am doing wrong would be much appreciated.

From Oracle Support (SR 3-26626913981):
The problem is that deploying a public NLB via Terraform enables the source/destination property, which is causing our issue.
This will be treated internally in order to remove the possibility of deploying a Public NLB with the feature enabled.