Hi @johnsimons
As with any configuration language, there are certain design choices that the Terraform configuration language has taken. In general, the Terraform configuration language is mostly statically typed where the types determine the specific behaviors of a value. It sounds like you may be looking for an ordered collection of elements, which in Terraform is represented by a list. Since you mention things like *schema.ResourceData
, I’m going to presume you developing the provider with terraform-plugin-sdk, which is totally okay, but does limit the available functionality as compared to developing on top of terraform-plugin-framework.
A potential solution using terraform-plugin-sdk in this case would be to wrap your steps in a “step” block. Since you mention they should be ordered, a list block seems appropriate. In this case, your schema may look like:
Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{
"step": {
Type: schema.TypeList,
Elem: &schema.Resource{
Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{
"container_action": {/*...*/},
"script_action": {/*...*/},
// ...
// ...
To do the data handling, the d.Get("step")
call will return []any
results, which should be ordered map[string]any
of objects. Practitioners can configure it via the below syntax or via dynamic block expressions:
resource "my_deployment_process" "deploymentproc" {
step {
script_action {
name = "one"
step {
container_action {
name = "two"
step {
script_action {
name = "three"
I mention terraform-plugin-framework earlier because it enables the usage of nested attributes, which may feel more natural for the configuration and enables practitioners to use any expressions, such as for
, etc.
resource "my_deployment_process" "deploymentproc" {
steps = [
script_action = {
name = "one"
container_action = {
name = "two"
script_action = {
name = "three"
# or configurations like the below which are much more awkward with dynamic blocks
variable "steps" {
# ...
resource "my_deployment_process" "deploymentproc" {
steps = var.steps
Hope this helps.