Have enabled google oauth2 on vault
it works correctly and all organization members can login to vault
Try’ing map/allow login to vault only one Google group named “admin
” (with 5 members in it)
Have such a role
[root@santite vault]# vault read auth/oidc/role/admingsuite_role
Key Value
--- -----
allowed_redirect_uris [https://vault.ab.example.org/ui/vault/auth/oidc/oidc/callback http://localhost:8250/oidc/callback]
bound_audiences <nil>
bound_claims map[group:[admin]]
bound_claims_type string
bound_subject n/a
claim_mappings <nil>
clock_skew_leeway 0
expiration_leeway 0
groups_claim group
max_age 0
not_before_leeway 0
oidc_scopes [email]
role_type oidc
token_bound_cidrs []
token_explicit_max_ttl 0s
token_max_ttl 0s
token_no_default_policy false
token_num_uses 0
token_period 0s
token_policies [null]
token_ttl 72h
token_type default
user_claim email
user_claim_json_pointer false
verbose_oidc_logging true
also created admin group in vault using such a method
vault write identity/group name="admin" type="external" \
policies="editor" \
metadata=responsibility="Manager Group"
export GROUP_ID="<from_last_output>"
vault auth list -format=json \
| jq -r '."oidc/".accessor' > accessor.txt
vault write identity/group-alias name="admin" \
mount_accessor=$(cat accessor.txt) \
get an error when try’ing to auth with my org account that belongs to org Google admin group
error validating claims: claim "group" does not match any associated bound claim values
what am I doing wrong ?