Run Module multiple time

Hi Guys,

I am trying to run the module in the loop to deploy multiple resources of my module. I just did the quick search and found we can’t do that. I just want to know if there is any other way we can achieve this. here is the code

 module "azurepolicy_assignments" {
    source                = "./Modules/AzurePolicyAssignement/"
    count = length(local.policies)

    policy_display_name          = local.policies[count.index].policy_display_name
    assignment_name              = local.policies[count.index].assignment_name
    policy_scope                 =
    assignment_display_name      = local.policies[count.index].assignment_display_name
    assignment_description       = local.policies[count.index].assignment_description
    policy_parameters            = local.policies[count.index].policy_parameters
    resource_exclusion_list      = local.policies[count.index].resource_exclusion_list
    identity_type                = local.policies[count.index].identity_type

here is what I have in my file.

locals {
    policies = [
        policy_display_name = "Allowed locations"
        assignment_name = "test2"
        assignment_display_name = "Test Policy Resources"
        assignment_description = "TESTING THE POLICY WITH THE LOOP"
        policy_parameters = jsonencode({
            "listOfAllowedLocations": {
                "value": var.listOfAllowedLocations
        resource_exclusion_list = []
        identity_type = "none"
        policy_display_name = "Allowed locations for resource groups"
        assignment_name = "test3"
        assignment_display_name = "Test Policy RG"
        assignment_description = "TESTING THE POLICY WITH THE LOOP REsource gorup"
        policy_parameters = jsonencode({
            "listOfAllowedLocations": {
                "value": var.listOfAllowedLocations
        resource_exclusion_list = []
        identity_type = "none"

any other way to achieve this at all ?