Hi Everyone,
I am running consul-agent as a sidecar container in my ECS Fargate cluster.
The command I am using in the docker image ‘consul’ is:
consul agent -data-dir /consul/data -client=\"\" -bind=\"{{ GetPrivateIP }}\" -config-file=encrypt.json -retry-join \"xx.xx.xx.xx\" -datacenter \"eu-west-1\""]
here, xx.xx.xx.xx is the private IP of my consul-master node.
The service and nodes both are registering to the consul-master as well but I am still getting the following error on the consul-agent container:
2021-04-27T08:13:22.806Z [ERROR] agent.client: RPC failed to server: method=Catalog.NodeServiceList server=xx.xx.xx.xx:8300 error="rpc error making call: rpc: can't find method Catalog.NodeServiceList"
I have researched about the error as well but cannot find anything helpful.
Can anyone please help me on this part?