Is there any option to export vault`s server log to local file? I can see it is possible on linux but I cant see that on Windows.
Are you talking about the app logs or audit logs?
App logs I would imagine end up in the Windows Event Viewer.
Audit logs works the same, althouhg you continue to use / as the path:
example: vault audit enable file file_path=/temp/foo
→ c:\temp\foo
Hello Aram,
I am talking about app logs and vault monitor logs.
journalctl -b --no-pager -u vault
Is the default way. Datadog, Splunk, etc can read these directly.
If you want to configure Vault to output to a static file, you’d need to change the StartExec line in systemd:
ExecStart=/bin/sh -c '/usr/local/bin/vault server -config=/etc/vault.d/vault.hcl -log-level="trace" > /var/log/vault.log
There are other options as well, but there is nothing special that you need to do because it’s Vault.
Thank you for explanation.