Hello, I hope everyone is ok!
I use terraform 0.15.4 and I’m building a load balancer module in GCP and I’m having difficulty with the google_compute_url_map resource, because I need to create the following condition
I need when the default_url_redirect map is configured the default_service must be disabled otherwise the default_service must receive the resource value google_compute_backend_service.
variable default_url_redirect {
type = list
default = []
description = ""
resource "google_compute_url_map" "default" {
for_each = var.compute_url_map
name = each.value["name"]
description = lookup(each.value, "description", null)
project = each.value["project"]
default_service = try(each.value["default_url_redirect"], element(values(google_compute_backend_service.default)[*].id, length(var.compute_backend_service)))
dynamic "default_url_redirect" {
for_each = try(each.value["default_url_redirect"], {})
content {
host_redirect = lookup(default_url_redirect.value, "host_redirect", null)
https_redirect = lookup(default_url_redirect.value, "https_redirect ", null)
path_redirect = lookup(default_url_redirect.value, "path_redirect", null)
prefix_redirect = lookup(default_url_redirect.value, "deprefix_redirectscription", null)
redirect_response_code = lookup(default_url_redirect.value, "redirect_response_code ", null)
strip_query = lookup(default_url_redirect.value, "strip_query", null)
dynamic "host_rule" {
for_each = var.host_rule
content {
description = lookup(host_rule.value, "description", null)
hosts = lookup(host_rule.value, "hosts", null)
path_matcher = lookup(host_rule.value, "path_matcher", null)
dynamic "path_matcher" {
for_each = var.path_matcher
content {
default_service = lookup(path_matcher.value, "default_service", null)
description = lookup(path_matcher.value, "description", null)
name = lookup(path_matcher.value, "name", null)
dynamic "path_rule" {
for_each = var.path_rule
content {
service = lookup(path_rule.value, "service", null)
paths = (lookup(path_rule.value, "paths", null))
depends_on = [ google_compute_backend_service.default ]
Using the try function I managed to partially work this condition, because when the default_url_redirect variable is empty, the default_service receives the value:
element(values(google_compute_backend_service.default)[*].id, length(var.compute_backend_service))
But when the default_url_redirect variable receives the list of values and the error code, can you help me?