Should consul run on all nodes or just server nodes?

Hi Lindsay!

Consul servers participate in the raft state. All nodes in the cluster run Consul agents. A machine can be a Consul agent and a Consul server at the same time.

It’s not clear if by this you’re referring to the Nomad cluster or the Consul cluster. Most likely you mean that the Consul and Nomad servers are running in the same 3 machines and on those machines, and those machines are also Nomad agents.

If you’re running the Nomad agent and server on the same node, this may be a source of your errors – see

There is also a discussion collecting feedback from experience in this situation:

Whereas the issue of running Consul and Nomad servers on the same node is discussed here

I wonder if any of these is relevant to your situation?

Can you help us to understand by describing the errors that are occurring in some more detail?
