Ive been doing a PoC to make vault HA using raft backend, and it’s pretty straightforward. My HA node configs are basically from this guide.
Now im trying to migrate the file backend data into my PoC but struggling.
My standalone config:
storage "file" {
path = "/vault/file"
listener "tcp" {
address = ""
tls_disable = "true"
disable_mlock = "true"
default_lease_ttl = "24h"
max_lease_ttl = "24h"
api_addr = ""
cluster_addr = ""
ui = "true"
My procedure is:
- on standalone shutdown vault
- On standalone migrate
storage_source "file" {
path = "/vault/file/"
storage_destination "raft" {
path = "/vault/raft/"
cluster_addr = ""
- Copy raft files into HA PoC-vault directory
- start vault server on node1 (not initialized)
- Attempt to unseal using same key from standalone
It fails at point 5 with error: error unsealing: context deadline exceeded
Logs say:
storage.raft: not part of stable configuration, aborting election
Is this the proper procedure?
Ive tried all sorts of different approaches but still don’t understand why it fails.
Should all nodes in the cluster be active but unsealed? Should only the leader be alive and unseal first?
I want to say I’ve followed this closely but perhaps im missing something.
Any input is appreciated
Thank you,