I just install my first vault cluster and do some tests - everything is working but i have issue with tuning my configuration.
I want to keep template sections in multiple external files related to services - eg. apache.hcl, mysql.hcl. Unfortunately I’m unable to find any of examples of such configuration in documentation.
vault agent
also seems to provide no option to use directory instead file in -config
Thanks for any sugestions
It just concats the files it finds in the config folder. What exactly are you looking for info on?
As for agent, yes, its usually a more compact deployment so a single config file makes sense. Do you have a use case to break out the agent configs?
Hi @mikegreen,
Thanks for answer.
For last few days i had a time to check vault source code and I found that agent don’t have support to multiple files (however this is easy to implement because this code is alteady in vault server part of code) .
Config concatenation is solution I have now but it will be nice if vault can handle this out of the box.
Best regards,
I need to have one file with base config and template files for agent, for example